Trump Asks: How Did NBC Get Top Secret Intel Briefing Before I Did? – OpEd


On Friday morning, president-elect Donald Trump called on the chairs of the House and Senate committees to open an investigation into how NBC obtained top secret intelligence before he was even briefed on it himself.

On Thursday afternoon, NBC reported on information from the intelligence report given to President Barack Obama on alleged Russian hacking. Trump himself was not scheduled to be briefed until the following day. The report, according unnamed officials who spoke to NBC, contained information that Russia had attempted to hack the White House, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Department of State, the 2008 and 2012 elections, and multiple US companies. The alleged election hack, according to NBC, was done as “payback” for Obama questioning Vladimir Putin’s legitimacy as the Russian president.

NBC also reported that the US has also identified “Russian actors” who allegedly gave hacked materials to Wikileaks.

After the report aired, the president-elect took to Twitter to question how the news agency got their hands on the report. “How did NBC get ‘an exclusive look into the top secret report he (Obama) was presented?’ Who gave them this report and why? Politics!” Trump tweeted. The following morning, NBC published another story saying that an unnamed senior U.S. intelligence official with direct knowledge of the report leaked more details to them, specifically that top Russian officials celebrated Trump’s win. Trump then took to Twitter once again, calling for an investigation into intelligence being leaked to the network.

“I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it,” Trump tweeted.

The tweet was then retweeted by Wikileaks, who added: “President-elect Trump on the authorized #PseudoLeak by the Obama administration of TOP SECRET//COMINT claims to NBC.”


MINA is the Macedonian International News Agency

2 thoughts on “Trump Asks: How Did NBC Get Top Secret Intel Briefing Before I Did? – OpEd

  • January 7, 2017 at 12:23 pm

    the major media are not independent bodies, but are organs of propaganda for the “permanent government” – as it likes to refer to itself – which controls both the Republican Party, which it first took over under George Bush, Sr., and the Democratic Party, which it took over with Barack Obama – and hoped to continue to Administrate through Hillary Clinton. But Trump won the Republican nomination, and wrested control of the party from the “permanent government” elements who had held it in control since the time of George Bush, Sr., and who now represent the greatest threat to President-elect Trump. It was harder to win the Republican nomination than for Donald Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton – the Republicans would rather have lost the Presidential election to Hillary Clinton, than lose control of the Republican Party to Donald Trump. So, what is the “permanent government” that controls the mass media as an organ of official propaganda? It is the elite intelligentsia associated with the banking empires leveraged by the Oil-based economy: and nothing is as oil-addicted as the US military. It is this nexus of interests that have become the United States government. And they did NOT ELECT DONALD TRUMP.

  • January 7, 2017 at 3:00 pm

    How do we the People make this stop? This is so ridiculous. We are supposed to be HOME OF THE FREE. We the people are being taken over by the current administration. Who we the People; voted out. That means it is time to go. This is not a country for terrorist to live and breed it is supposed to be safe. Many of our families have been here since the beginning our forefathers have fought and died for this Nation to give us our Rights now it is being taken away by illegal immigrants and the current Administration. It is time for them to LEAVE and keep going. Obama has committed TREASON by allowing all the Islamic UNvetted immigrants into this the Great Nation in the first place. This Country belongs to us, AMERICANS letting them in and giving them sanctuary is the Highest of Treason they ISLAM bombed our Country on 911. That is what made us Great having a say who gets to come in. Tell us how to stop this it seems to me the current administration is SO CORRUPT they keep on and on….Praying to the BINDING of Hands, mouths and mind the Current administration and their attempts to sell us out to the UN that God will shut them DOWN. We belong to NOONE but God.


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