Iraq Receives New Batch Of Russian Helicopters


Russia supplied Iraq with a new batch of Mi-28NE “Night Hunter” military helicopters, the Iraqi Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.

“These helicopters will make a great contribution in support of ground forces in their operations aimed at targeting terrorist positions and destroying [their] armoured vehicle packed with explosives,” the ministry said in a statement published on its website.

On June 3, spokesman for the Iraqi Joint Special Operations Command Yahya Rasul Zubaidi said that Russian-made helicopters including the “Night Hunter” (NATO reporting name Havoc), used by the Iraqi army had demonstrated their effectiveness during the offensive in the city of Fallujah against Islamic State, a terrorist organization banned in Russia, the United States and many other countries.

The ministry also said that the “Night Hunter” helicopters had increased maneuverability and targeting precision of the Iraqi army.

Mi-28NE is a highly effective new-generation helicopter, designed for combat missions in any circumstances. The helicopter is designed to take part in operations against tanks, infantry combat vehicles and armoured personnel carriers among other targets.


MINA is the Macedonian International News Agency

One thought on “Iraq Receives New Batch Of Russian Helicopters

  • July 3, 2016 at 11:40 pm

    Somebody has to arm these schmucks with modern weaponry, if only to accelerate the genocide:
    “The Final Oil Solution
    Here’s the plan: US/Israeli forces, in cahoots with Russia/China, using Mossad, CIA, KGB, are working hard at causing warring in the Middle East, and in pitting Muslim sect against Muslim sect, even Iran against Saudis. In the pursuing warring, Both major power groups, US/Israeli forces and Russia/China will sell arms, progressively more potent armaments, even up to and including light nuke weaponry. The final phase will turn this into a well crafted genocide, the end of Islam as a religion, when medium nukes are sold, completing the genocide.
    The ‘End Game’?
    Well if history tells the truth then look at the drilling for oil by multinational oligarchs in the Golan Heights, a territory once a richer segment of Syria, and now claimed by Israel, even as the United Nations object (Google for verification of these facts) Understand the Russia/China need the Ports on the Mediterranean as well as a share of the oil, and U.S.A. is desperate to back its fiat, funny money by forcing the sale of Middle East Oil in U.S. Dollars to the Western World and abroad. The more cheap light Sweet crude oil the U.S. can get they will burn, with no real interest in renewables at all. They even tempt warring in the ‘South China Seas Oil Basin’ (Google this for the cause of the Vietnam war) under the pretext of protecting international waters: waters that were never challenged in the first place?”


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