Does God Only Accept One Religion? – OpEd
Although the Torah places no emphasis on life after death, and the rest of the Hebrew Bible places only a small emphasis on the afterlife; by the time of Prophet Muhammad belief in heaven and hell was widespread, and all Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians believed that after death God will judge every human being: “Indeed, the believers (Muslims) Jews, Sabians, Christians, Magi, and the polytheists—God will judge between them all on Judgment Day. Surely God is a Witness over all things.” (Quran 22:17)
This means that only God knows the answer to the question How Many Religions Does God Accept; and God will not tell us the answers until after we have been judged in the afterlife Judgement Day.
But many people say God only accepts one religion-mine. “Whoever desires a religion other than Islam – never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.” (Qur’an 3:85)
Yet, can this verse be true for Jews, Christians and Sabaeans, when the Qur’an clearly states: “Those who believe (Muslims), those who declare (their religions to be) Judaism, Christians and Sabaeans: whoever believes in God and the last day (of Judgment) and does good, righteous deeds, surely their reward is with their Lord, and they shall have no fear, nor will they grieve”. (Qur’an 2:62)
Yet the Qur’an also states that their own priests and rabbis have led them astray: “They have set up their religious leaders and scholars as lords, instead of GOD. Others deified the Messiah, son of Mary. They were all commanded to worship only one god. There is no god except He. Be He glorified, high above having any partners.” (9:31)
It is true that the Qur’an opposes trinitarian Christianity: “Pagans indeed are those who say that GOD is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah himself said, “O Children of Israel, you shall (only) worship GOD; my Lord and your Lord.” Anyone who sets up any idol beside GOD, GOD has forbidden Paradise for him, and his destiny is Hell. The wicked have no helpers.” (Qur’an 5:72)
But unitarian imageless Christians who do good, righteous deeds, will receive their reward. This must mean that God judges people by their good deeds and their commitment to their own religion’s own monotheistic beliefs.
Although the Torah places no emphasis on life after death, and the rest of the Hebrew Bible places only a small emphasis on the afterlife; by the time of Prophet Muhammad belief in heaven and hell was widespread, and all Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians believed that after death God will judge every human being: “Indeed, the believers (Muslims) Jews, Sabians, Christians, Magi, and the polytheists—God will judge between them all on Judgment Day. Surely God is a Witness over all things.” (Quran 22:17)
“It was We who revealed the Torah (to Moses); therein was guidance and light. By its standard have the Jews been judged by Prophet (Moses) who bowed to Allah’s will, by the Rabbis and the Doctors of Law: for to them was entrusted the protection of Allah’s Book, and they were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear Me, and sell not My Signs for a miserable price.” (Quran, 5:44)
Thus, religious monotheism is God’s will: “If God had so willed, He would have made you one community, but He wanted to test you through that which He has given you. (5:48) and “If your Lord had pleased, He would have made all people a single community, but they continue to have their differences. (11:118–19)
The word Islam has two different meanings in the Qur’an. One meaning is submission to the will of the One and only imageless God Allah i.e. monotheism. The other meaning is belonging to the religious community of Muslims who submit to Allah’s Qur’an’s, Sharia and Messenger Muhammad.
Thus Qur’an 3:85 is translated by Muhammad Sarwar: “No religion other than Islam (submission to the will of God) will be accepted from anyone. Whoever follows a religion other than Islam will be lost on the Day of Judgment.” and by Yusuf Ali: “If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost.”
But Sahih International does not translate Islam at all: And whoever desires other than Islam as religion – never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.” which gives the erroneous impression that only one specific Sunni or Shia Islam is acceptable to the God of Prophet Abraham.
Allah accepts All who claim “Lord is One” (Deu 6:4, Mar 12:29, QS 112:1) and do good deeds by following current messenger (peace be upon them all). Jews, prior prophet Jesus Son of Mary (pbuh), who believed One Lord (YHWH) and practiced good deeds by following their prophets (pbuh), by God’s will will enter the paradise. Similarly to Jews after Jesus (pbuh) or all mankind’s after Muhammad pbuh