Libya: NATO Operational Update: 13,324 Sorties Since March 31


In Libya, since the beginning of the NATO operation (31 March 2011) a total of 13,324 sorties, including 5,005 strike sorties, have been conducted.

NATO said that on June 30 there were 140 sorties conducted, with 42 strike sorties. Strike sorties are intended to identify and engage appropriate targets, but do not necessarily deploy munitions each time.

According to NATO, the following key hits were registered. In the vicinity of Brega: 2 Command and control facilities. In the vicinity of Misrata: 2 Military Technical Vehicle. In the vicinity of Tripoli: 1 Military facility, 1 Radar. In the vicinity of Gharyan: 1 Military facility. In the vicinity of Waddan: 1 Military Storage Facility. In the vicinity of Bir Al Ghanam: 2 Multiple Rocket Launchers.

NATO took control of all military operations for Libya under United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973 on 31 March 2011. The official aim of Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR is to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas under attack or threat of attack.

The mission consists of three elements: an arms embargo, a no-fly-zone and actions to protect civilians from attack or the threat of attack.

Arms Embargo Activities

A total of 17 ships under NATO command are actively patrolling the Central Mediterranean.

8 Vessels were hailed on 30 JUNE to determine destination and cargo. 3 boardings (no denials) were conducted..
A total of 1576 vessels have been hailed, 135 boardings and 8 denials have been conducted since the beginning of arms embargo operations.

International Humanitarian Assistance Movements as recorded by NATO

  • Total of Humanitarian Movements: 428 (air, ground, maritime)
  • Ships delivering Humanitarian Assistance 30 JUNE: 1
  • Aircrafts delivering Humanitarian Assistance 30 JUNE: 2

Eurasia Review

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