Trump’s US National Security Strategy: New Wine In Old Bottles? – OpEd
In a recent interview, Sebastian Gorka, an aide to President Trump, denounced “stale thinking” on national security policy over the past 30 years.
He said that the White House was working on a new National Security Strategy for the United States that would reject the old “extremes” of neoconservative interventionism on one hand and libertarian “isolationism” on the other.
It is quite interesting that he chose to single out non-interventionism (which is not “isolationism”) for criticism as if it had been attempted and failed over the past three decades.
Why the strawman? Because this “new” strategy is being drawn up by neocons who dominate Trump’s foreign policy and national security staff.
They know their brand is damaged so they are trying to pretend that they are coming out with a whole new batch of wine.
But check the bottles…
This article was published by RonPaul Institute.