Lundin Spuds Fourth Appraisal Well Offshore Norway


Lundin Petroleum announced Friday that drilling of the appraisal well 16/2-11 on the Johan Sverdrup PL501 discovery located in the North Sea sector of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), has commenced.

The planned depth is approximately 2,175 meters below mean sea level and the well will be drilled using the semi-submersible drilling rig Bredford Dolphin. The drilling operation is expected to take approximately 40 days.

The objective of the well is to determine the thickness and quality of an oil bearing Jurassic sequence at the appraisal well location. The well is located 2,2 km south east from the Johan Sverdrup PL265 discovery well 16/2-8.

Lundin Petroleum is the operator of PL501 with 40 percent interest. Partners are Statoil Petroleum AS with 40 percent and Mærsk Oil Norway AS with 20 percent interest.

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