Cuba Authorizes Buying And Selling Of Homes
For the first time in 50 years, Cubans will be able to buy and sell houses according to a new law, reported by the official Communist Party newspaper ”Granma”, which will facilitate the path toward liberalization.
The details of the law, to be launched next Thursday, should be published shortly on the “Official Gazette”.
For decades Cubans have been able to transfer the ownership of their houses only to their children; there was also a certain leeway permitted through a complex barter system, itself authorized and regulated by a State agency.
The liberalization started after Raul Castro took over the presidency from his brother and “lider maximo” Fidel Castro in 2008.
The latest reform dates back to last month, when Cubans were authorized to buy and sell automobiles: despite the green light, even if the new freedoms are subject to restrictions of various kinds.