New York City Cancels Marathon


The City of New York and New York Road Runners announced late Friday that the 2012 ING NYC Marathon has been canceled. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg cancelled the event among growing criticism that the marathon was being held in a time when the city is still recovering from Superstorm Sandy, as well as 40 deaths.

According to a note on the New York Road Runners sponsor’s website said that, “While holding the race would not require diverting resources from the recovery effort, it is clear that it has become the source of controversy and division. We cannot allow a controversy over an athletic event — even one as meaningful as this — to distract attention away from all the critically important work that is being done to help New York City recover from the storm.”

Acknowledging hat controversy has grown this week over the possibility of the marathon being held, and division grew, Howard Wolfson, NYC deputy mayor said at a press conference, “Those of us who love the city and those of us who love the race realized it wasn’t the marathon if it wasn’t a unifying event.”

The New York Road Runners said they would have additional information in the days ahead and “we thank you for your dedication to the spirit of this race.”

The Marathon Expo will remain open tomorrow.

This is the first time in the marathon’s history that it has been cancelled.

Eurasia Review

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