The Anti-Trump Institutional Coup And Visible Operatives – OpEd


There are various types of coups: the seizure of executive power by military officials who disband the elected legislature, judiciary and executive, shut-down the media that criticizes the military take- over and and outlaws’ independent social movements. The most recent coups are led by institutional forces which ouster the elected President through the intervention of congressional, judicial , security forces, (including the intelligence apparatus) and the mass media.

Four examples of institutional coups took place during the Obama regime : the Ukraine (2014), Honduras (2009), Paraguay (2012) and Brazil (2016). These coups serve as a model for the ouster of US President-elect Trump before he takes office and during his selection of Cabinet appointments.

In this essay we will analyze the unfolding of the anti-Trump coup by examining the process, the step by step means by which the principle operatives intervene against the electoral result.

Step One: The Mass Media and the ‘Recount’ Ploy

Immediately after Trump was elected, a group of marginal politicians led by the Green Party Presidential candidate, Jill Stein, demanded a voter, recount, despite her 1% vote and less than half million-dollar campaign. Democratic party officials and backers donated over seven million dollars.

The mass media, which had previously totally ignored the Green Party campaign, and ‘electoral’ experts backed and publicized the demand for a recount. The first recount in Wisconsin demonstrated that the recount made no change in the outcome. Judges in Michigan and Pennsylvania ruled against recounts.

The recount tactic failed and the coup organizers moved to a more sinister kind of intervention.

Step 2: The CIA, the Mass Media, the President and the Congress

The recount ploy predictably failed to deny Trump’s advance to the Presidency. But it provided an opportunity for the mass media to repeatedly call into question the legitimacy of the election outcome.

Once the ‘marginals’ lost their utility, the powers behind the coup openly took the political stage.

Obama ordered the CIA to compile a report which would demonstrate that ‘Russia a sworn enemy’ of the US people, intervened in the elections and secured Trump’s victory via cyber theft of Democratic Party information.

The mass media went into a propaganda frenzy. Wild,unsubstantiated accusations were published and mouthed accusing Trump of being a traitor, a dupe of Putin, an ignoramus who ignores the CIA’s reliable, systematic findings of Russian intervention…. as dictated by the country’s chief coupster Barack Obama.

Step 3: Obamas Junta attacks Russia to Defeat Trump

The Obama’s junta is engaged in illegal tampering and pressuring the Electoral College to induce them to violate their electoral mandate to vote for Trump. When blackmail failed to force the Electors to submit to the Junta, Obama escalated his aggression against Russia.

Eight years of lost wars, coups, failed regimes, lost Congressional elections, culminating in the defeat of Hillary Clinton, has enraged the Obama junta. With unanimous support from the mass media, the CIA and unconvincing testimonials by past and present ‘experts’ and officials, Obama has escalated the perverse and dangerous ploy of intensifying the economic and military stranglehold on Russia.

In the last days of his regime, Obama launched new economic sanctions on Russia, a large scale (CIA and NSA) cyber war on Moscow’s economic, political and military institutions, designed to disrupt and paralyze the functioning of its society and state.

Obama’s cyber war and sanctions are designed to deepen the polarization between the US and Russia, hoping to entrench the enemies of Trump’s reconciliation with Putin. The junta’s ‘war of tensions’ will incite a Russian counter-response to sanctions and cyber attacks, and serve as a pretext for a build-up of enmity in order to isolate and destroy Trump’s announced quest for reconciliations and market-diplomacy.

Obama’s open declaration of warfare toward Russia, his reliance on intelligence agencies, the total control of the war propaganda deluging the US public, is designed to construct a new kind of invisible Wall.

Step 4: Obama’s Wall: Fencing the US Public from Trump’s Market Politics

To the end, the Obama regime’s legacy rests on its perpetual warfare and violent intervention against independent states. Any and all political leaders who pursued political power via expanding markets is deemed an ‘enemy of the American people’.

This fiction faces its greatest threat not from China, Russia, or Iran but from within: Trump’s declared aim to expand through US market power. The ‘Russian plot’ will continue to Trump’s inauguration and beyond. Post- Obama’s animus will continue as Trump seeks to implement his foreign policy of ‘market deals’, renegotiation of trade agreements with China, oil and aerospace trade-offs with Iran, and the termination of sanctions with Russia.President Trump will declare ‘let the oil deals flow’!

To oppose President Trump, the Obama junta has built a Wall of political accomplices among the Intelligence agencies, Democratic and Republican Congress people and mass media mega-propagandists.


What will it take for Trump to tear down the Wall? Trump’s post- election tour of cities and his mobilization of core supporters serves to prepare the popular base.

Some of his Cabinet appointees, especially the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, include his staunchest allies in pursuing market politics. Trump can only bring down the Wall by defeating the Congressional War Party.

Trump will have to neutralize and re-structure the intelligence agencies. He will need to lop the heads of the Obama apparatus – or bring them in line with his policies toward Russia, NATO and market imperialism.

The biggest obstacle to bringing down the Wall will be the Congress-Pentagon complex that has flourished under Obama’s military imperialism. Trump can successfully play against Obama’s record of multiple failed wars, and trillion-dollar, ill-spent, war expenditures. What makes Trump’s attempt to tear down the Wall difficult is the constant barrage of mass media propaganda which will hammer at any and all meetings, dialogues and agreements between the US and Russia. Trump will need to find the appropriate voices and outlets to counter it.

Finally, if Trump does press forward with his version of US market expansion, he will have to overcome the bellicose policies of several of his Cabinet appointees. That requires that Trump sets policy and enforces it. Any weakness or even tactical concessions to war mongers and Russian bashers in his Administration will prevent Trump from breaking the Wall. Confinement to the Obama legacy of imperial wars will lead to domestic crises and the rapid deterioration of his electoral base.

If Trump defeats the three step coup attempt via his business-military- alliance, he will have to convert those anti-coup forces into allies in pursuit of his quest to make over the US economy, “to make markets strong”?

While we can hope for a less bellicose foreign policy, the domestic class struggle is likely to intensify in the face of the profoundly anti-working class policies which Trump will carry-over from the Obama regime. The Cabinet line-up is set to impose reactionary health, education and labor policies which is likely to provoke popular discontent. Trump is like to continue Obama’s police repression against workers, racial minorities and immigrants.

In place of global conflicts we are likely to see the intensification of domestic struggles and inter-capitalist rivalries over market priorities. Trump faces dual battle lines: one against civilian militarist and the other against domestic social classes.

James Petras

James Petras is the author of more than 62 books published in 29 languages, and over 600 articles in professional journals, including the American Sociological Review, British Journal of Sociology, Social Research, and Journal of Peasant Studies. He has published over 2000 articles in nonprofessional journals such as the New York Times, the Guardian, the Nation, Christian Science Monitor, Foreign Policy, New Left Review, Partisan Review, TempsModerne, Le Monde Diplomatique, and his commentary is widely carried on the internet. For more of his writings, check out the The James Petras Website.

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