Spain: Unemployed Falls To Lowest Number Since September 2009


The number of unemployed registered with Spain’s Public Employment Services fell in June by 124,349 on the previous month. This decline is the second largest on record, only bettered by the month of June 2013. The total number of recorded unemployed now stands at 3,767,054, the lowest figure since September 2009, according to the Spanish government’s latest figures.

n seasonally-adjusted terms, unemployment fell by 48,579 in the month of June. This is the largest reduction in a month of June since records began. Unemployment has fallen in seasonally-adjusted terms in 37 of the last 38 months.

Over the last 12 months, recorded unemployment has fallen by 353,250. The rate of year-on-year decline in unemployment stands at 8.57% in June, the best figure since the year 1999.

Unemployment among the under-25s has fallen by 24,522 in June (down 7.55%) on the previous month.

Recorded unemployment fell in all autonomous regions, headed up by Catalonia (down 20,145), Andalusia (down 19,251), and Galicia (down 13,144).

By activity sector, recorded unemployment fell in services by 84,160, in construction by 14,545 and in industry by 13,614. In contrast, unemployment increased in the agriculture and fisheries sector by 410. Unemployment fell among first-time job seekers by 11,840.

The number of contracts registered in the month of June amounted to a total of 1,920,340, the highest figure on record. This represents an increase of 11.3% on June 2015.

The number of permanent employment contracts registered in June amounted to 148,395, an increase of 17% on the same month last year.

Full-time permanent employment grew by 17.3% year-on-year, and is once again the class of employment contract to enjoy the highest growth.

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