Deep State Mandatory Arbitration Clauses Subvert American People’s Right To Sue – OpEd
Cleverly tucked away in almost each and every “contract” struck by and between the American People and the corporate/banking behemoths dotting the American landscape, is a little-known (or understood) paragraph (or series of paragraphs) entitled “Mandatory Arbitration Clause.”
Normally, 90% of people that enter into an online or corporate contract for services never really read in-depth these boring, verbose, horrifically complex little “legalese” arbitration clauses containing run-on sentences, dry grammar, and silly pronouns, which essentially sign away on these people’s entire livelihoods, bank accounts, real property, money, human rights, civil liberties, constitutional guarantees, or even personal dignity.
And the worst part of all of this is that the only ones who benefit from these “Arbitration Clauses” are the Deep State Oligarchs who literally control, and are in the process of controlling even more, of the entire economic, technological, and financial marketplace, of virtually everything.
While more and more corporate/banking/technological behemoths are steadily moving towards more and more mergers and acquisitions, aided and abetted by an equally corrupt and cronied Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) run by the same Deep State ingrates for the last 30 years, buying one another out, and further consolidating their own money and power at the expense of the American people, they are also increasingly and uniformly inserting a de rigeur arbitration clause demanding that the American masses and consumers that they do business with, forever and absolutely relinquish and give up their right to sue, or seek judicial or court redress for acts that federal case law has now clearly stated includes outright theft, deceit, racial or sexual or religious discrimination, verbal or physical abuse, dishonesty, unfairly targeting anyone based on anything that the corporate/banking CEO hates, and other outrageous and inhumane reasons that the Founding Fathers frankly fought a war with England to get away from.
The slow motion re-capturing of the American people and their property by the global oligarch banks and corporations is occurring right before the eyes of American patriots every single day – without the firing of a single shot.
The slow, painful, clandestine, and surreptitious subversion of the basic human rights, civil liberties, and constitutional protections which used to make the United States of America special, are now rapidly going the way of the extinct “Dodo Bird,” and are now becoming mere quaint and fond memories of an older generation of Americans, who can still remember that they could always sue whenever they were royally screwed over by a corporate/banking entity, in any capacity.
Now, both state and federal judges, upon seeing a “Motion to Compel Arbitration” submitted by a well-heeled, smug Big Law Corporate Attorney with really nice shoes and a $5000 suit, will noticeably shift uncomfortably in his seat (if he is honest) even when he is confronted with a Complaint from a litigant which contains the most awful, mind-shattering, specific, backed by evidence, horrific, unethical, illegal, and human rights violating acts by that corporate/banking entity or its employees, because that judge knows fully well, that there is absolutey no escape from that arbitration clause, and he must dismiss that case without bringing those perpetrators to justice, or letting a hearing continue, or even bringing them and their acts to light with Discovery, because he could literally lose his job as a judge, or be sanctioned/ disciplined if he doesn’t.
The Arbitration Tribunal where the injured complainant is inevitably shunted into, like a horse waiting to be shot, is invariably staffed by corporate/banking cronies of those criminal oligarchs who run those offending companies, and they all play golf or drink at the same country clubs together, and are more “in bed” with one another, than anyone truly realizes.
To add insult to injury, the aggrieved litigant must literally pay through the nose to take part in said “arbitration,” often going bankrupt in the process, only to literally get reamed out even further by that offending company’s buddies on the arbitration panel.
This is truly the most sickening part of all of this, and desperately needs attention by the United States Congress and Senate to change/amend the laws governing Mandatory Arbitration Clauses, but judging by the recent Republican gutting of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) recently a few weeks ago, and the oligarch/plutocrat stranglehold on the banking/corporate entities in America (and the globe), this legislative investigation, review, amendment, and desperately needed change is not likely to happen, anytime soon.
In fact, it is more likely to get worse, until the American People are all truly back as Colonial subjects of England, where “peasants” were thrown into the “stocks” if they so much as “offended” the Queen, or her noblemen and favored “subjects.”
The situation in the judiciary with these Mandatory Arbitration Clauses is truly dire, and cries out for intervention, urgently, and immediately, by the United States Congress and Senate.