Ankara And Istanbul: Transforming Cities Through Metro Investments – OpEd


For many years, metro investments were neglected in Ankara. The AKP administrations viewed metro projects as solutions typically associated with the CHP and dismissed such underground infrastructure as unnecessary. Instead, they prioritised flashy surface-level projects, believing these would garner more votes.

After the CHP took over the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, central government interventions further hindered metro projects. One glaring example is the continued absence of a metro line to Esenboğa Airport. This omission is particularly striking, given that constructing a metro on flat and vacant land, without the need for deep underground work, would be relatively straightforward.

The existing metro lines in Ankara also fail to provide an effective transportation network. For instance, stations like ODTÜ, Bilkent, and Beytepe are located far from their primary users. Additionally, key areas such as Kavaklıdere, Çankaya, and Oran still lack metro connections.

In contrast, Istanbul’s CHP administration has significantly accelerated metro investments. Numerous metro lines have been completed and opened in recent years, greatly facilitating urban transportation. This development has reduced the burden on buses and eliminated dependency on taxis. Moreover, each new metro line has transformed station surroundings into vibrant hubs of activity. New businesses have emerged, new parks have been built, and these projects have enhanced the city’s aesthetics.

These underground infrastructure investments have not only made transportation easier but have also fostered social and economic vitality above ground. In Istanbul, residents have expressed satisfaction with these improvements. Travel has become faster, more convenient, and more reliable.

Haluk Direskeneli

Haluk Direskeneli, is a graduate of METU Mechanical Engineering department (1973). He worked in public, private enterprises, USA Turkish JV companies (B&W, CSWI, AEP, Entergy), in fabrication, basic and detail design, marketing, sales and project management of thermal power plants. He is currently working as freelance consultant/ energy analyst with thermal power plants basic/ detail design software expertise for private engineering companies, investors, universities and research institutions. He is a member of Chamber of Turkish Mechanical Engineers Energy Working Group.

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