US Strikes Kill Four Al Qaeda Terrorists In Yemen


The US military conducted two counterterrorism strikes this month against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula near Shabwah Governorate in central Yemen, according to a US Central Command news release issued Friday.

A strike on July 1 killed two al-Qaeda operatives, and a strike on July 4 killed two al-Qaeda operatives, the release said.

Strikes against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen put consistent pressure on the terrorist network and prevents members from plotting and executing attacks against U.S. persons, the American homeland and U.S. allies, the release said.

A Significant Regional Threat

AQAP remains a significant threat to the region, the US, and beyond, the release said.

Al-Qaeda’s presence has a destabilizing effect on Yemen; it is using the unrest in Yemen to provide a haven from which to plan future attacks against our allies as well as the US and its interests, the release said.

The US will not relent in its mission to degrade, disrupt and destroy al-Qaeda and its remnants, the release said.

The US remains committed to defeating AQAP and denying it safe haven regardless of its location, the release added.

Strikes conducted by the US in Yemen continue to diminish AQAP’s presence in the region, the release said.

Eurasia Review

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