ISAF Forces Arrest Haqqani Facilitator And Capture Another Haqqani Leader
An Afghan and coalition security force arrested Friday a Haqqani facilitator in Khost province, according to ISAF officials. Relatedly, another Haqqani senior leader in Logar province was arrestedtoday. The arrested leader is believed to have planned and conducted attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in southern Logar province. During the operation, the security force also detained two suspected insurgents, officials said.
The arrested facilitator is suspected of coordinating the delivery of weapons, improvised explosive device materials and fighters to leadership operating throughout western Khost province.As a result of the operation, the security force also detained two suspected insurgents and seized homemade explosives, IED-making materials, several grenades, a large quantity of firearms with associated gear and ammunition, and numerous bayonets.
Elsewhere, Afghan Special Police members of Provincial Response Company Bhaglan, enabled by coalition forces, seized a large weapons cache of 36 RPG warheads and 15,000 rounds of 12.7 mm ammunition during a recovery operation in northern Bhaglan province yesterday. All materials were destroyed on location.
ISAF officials said Afghan Special Police members of Provincial Response Company Uruzgan, enabled by coalition forces, killed a number of insurgents and seized anti-tank weapons, more than 100,000 rounds of ammunition and several hand grenades during an operation in central Uruzgan province yesterday. All seized materials were destroyed at the location.
Also, an Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban leader in Helmand province today. The arrested leader is suspected of directing the purchase of IED components, and overseeing IED emplacements. The security force also detained two suspected insurgents.
Officials said an Afghan and coalition security force killed Taliban leader Qari Munib during a security operation in Kunar province Thursday. Qari Munib was responsible for directing attacks against Afghan and coalition forces and coordinating the movement of weapons and ammunition for the attacks.