‘Es Cine Español’ Stamp To Identity Spanish Productions Overseas


The Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts Institute (Spanish acronym: ICAA) is making the ‘Es Cine Español’ (This is Spanish Cinema) stamp available to Spanish producers.

This is a new stamp that must be included before the credit titles of films that receive subsidies pursuant to the new scheme of cinema aid, the Spanish government said in a statement.

For the Director-General of the ICAA, Beatríz Navas, “Spain produces films in languages that are not official languages of our State and co-produces many films with other countries, and hence these sometimes go unnoticed by the media and society. As they are filmed aboard, in another language or by a director who is not Spanish they are not associated with our cinema industry, but behind these films there are Spanish producers and professionals who know how to move in an industry and a market that is larger than our national market. This stamp has been created to publicize this reality and highlight the capacity of the Spanish film sector to extend its scope of action, to be competitive and to adapt to an increasingly global world”.

Use of ‘Es Cine Español’ stamp

Given the growing trend of co-productions and the production of films in foreign languages, the ICAA includes this stamp to create its own identity and achieve a better positioning of the Spanish film brand in foreign markets, and particularly in the domestic market.

Pursuant to Order CUD/769/2018, of July 17, establishing the regulatory bases for subsidies provided for in Chapter III of the Cinema Act 55/2007, of December 28, determining the structure of the Administrative Register of Cinematography and Audiovisual Enterprises, and in accordance with its Article 9 (General obligations of beneficiaries), specifically in point g), in those films in which there is majority Spanish participation, this ‘Es Cine Español’ stamp must be included before the credit titles in line with the model that appears on the web page of the Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts Institute.

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