Libya: ‘Jibril Marks The Victory Of A Nation That Wants To Remain United’


“What is looking like a landslide victory of the Alliance of National Forces (AFN) of Mahmoud Jibril was predictable, due also to the specific references to economic and social issues in his agenda”, Farid Adly, a Libyan journalist from Benghazi who has been living in Italy for years and recent author of the book “The Libyan Revolution” (Editions Il Saggiatore), told MISNA, in commenting on the latest political developments and first declarations by Jibril on his intention of forming an inclusive government.

“Working on a more inclusive government is an intelligent move, because it will allow the nation to enter in a solid transition phase, in which key longstanding issues can be addressed: the building of an economy that is no longer only dependent on oil, but founded also on alternative energy; agricultural development, a solution to the housing issue and infrastructure”, said Adly.

The defeat of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to Adly, was also predictable: “In Libya they never had much popularity and are seen almost like an external entity. Their Justice and Reconstruction party obtained few votes, the same mediocre results of the other more accredited formations, such as the Al Watan of Abdel Hakim Belhaj and the National Front for the Salvation of Libya. I am also convinced that independent legislators will refer mainly to Jibril’s coalition”.

The coalition, which counts 56 parties, groups and movements, obtained success on a national level and the first challenge it will face, according to the MISNA source, will be to form an army and police: “During the regime of Muammar Gheddafi the army was practically inexistent. Today it is however essential for the new State to have a deterrent force in certain fields, such as controlling the borders and combating contraband and illegal trafficking. The police will also have to be remodeled, based on new cannons and criteria, and for this reason collaborations have begun, such as with Jordan, for training and professional updating”.

According to Adly, Jibril’s victory also marked a victory for Libyan women. “Against those formations that want to introduce the Sharia, with all the relevant consequences ranging from polygamy to restrictions of freedom of movement, Libyan women contributed to maintaining Libya on a different path”.


MISNA, or the Missionary International Service News Agency, provides daily news ‘from, about and for’ the 'world’s Souths', not just in the geographical sense, since December 1997.

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