China’s String Of Pearls Policy – OpEd
The implementation of Mackinder’s Heartland theory that envisages who rules waters rules the world is taking place by major economic powers. Chinese rulers looked to be influenced from this theory keenly and have been adopting and implementing it with slowly and steady.
The geopolitical hypothesis, “China String of Pearls Policy” was proposed by the US researchers in 2004. According to them this policy aims to build ports and initiate cemented diplomatic and economic relations with South Asian states particularly Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar around the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) along with ports of Sudan and Horn of Africa. It’s objectives are to make a network of millitary and commercial facilities across Sea line communications that run through some important maritime choke points such as strait of Mandoob, strait of Malacca, strait of Hormuz, and Lombok strait in order to protect its economic interests and enhance its influence in the region through ports development, trade enhancement by securing Sea trade routes, soft diplomacy, and investment across these Sea routes.
This policy also plans the upgradation and construction of deep sea ports, construction a chain of Naval bases and trade activities in the Indian Ocean and South Chinese Ocean. It will not be astonishing to assess that China through this strategy also wishes to reach to Middle East.
Notwithstanding, it is a chain of ports such as Gwadar in Pakistan, Hambantota in Sri Lanka, and Djibouti in Africa, Port development of Chaitagong port, Islands development in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, etc. While, Kra Canal project in Thailand that connects Indian Ocean with South China Sea is also said to be constructed by China.
For readers, it will not be surprising to assess that the CPEC is a primw part of this policy. In addition, it will be not astonishing that the BRI is also a tool for implementing this policy. It must be in consideration that Chinese policy makers are well aware of the importance of Sea routes for trade. This policy, once enforced, will also help in Chinese regional supremacy.
Strategists write that, the construction of Naval base in Hainan Island by China is termed as first pearl. While, Woody Island which is considered as the largest Island of Parcel Islands is an upgraded Chinese airstrip is another pearl. China has also financed a container ship facility in Chitagong port of Bangladash. In addition, Marao Atoll in Maldives is also said to be a Chinese military base. China has plan to construction deep sea port Kyaukphyu in Myanmar.
Apart from these, China has also plan of construction a railway network from Khartoum to port of Sudan on the Red Sea. Despite this, Bagamoyo port construction in Tanzania has also been a priority of China. In addition to this, China has constructed a Naval base in Djibouti that is located in the Horn of Africa, at the entrance to the Red Sea on the route to Suez Canal. While, analysts write that Artificial Island in Maldives is also in Chinese priorities while it has docking rights in Seychless too.
Moreover, Ream Naval base is in the Gulf of Thailand in the Southeast of Combodia- a same region where strait of Malacca is located, is a huge strategic chokpoint. Whereas, Djibouti Military base will further cement Chinese hegemony.
Chinese startagests are well aware of their future plan with respect to Malacca Strait. For example, if Malacca strait (from where around 80 percent Chinese trade passes) is blocked by India and America with the help of Taiwan, then in that situation China will have ulternate trade routes from where it could continue its trade activities without disruption.
On the flip side, undisputedly, India, USA, and their allies have been considering it a threat to their hegemony and have been in struggle to encounter and encircle China for which the quadrilateral QUAD alliance was initiated in 2007. The game for supremacy and protecting economic interests is on by China and its allies between America and its allies, for which new alliances are in the making. Whereas, the vital position and importance of Indian Ocean Region will have key rule in this power game.
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country. One is by the Sword. The other is by Debt.”-Former US President John Adams.Foreign policies are generally in line with the country’s interests, and one such example is Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), through which China is strengthening its leverage in Asia and Africa. The term Debt-Trap Diplomacy was given by Brahma Chellaney, an Indian Academic in 2017.
This form of diplomacy entails providing projects/loans ultimately forcing them to accept economic or political concessions. Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port is one such example and Pakistan’s Gawadar port appears going the same way and adding China adding another pearl in its String Of Pearls. Ex Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed, “China in the last few years without shooting a single bullet has grabbed more land than the British Empire’s “East India Company”.