Malaysia: Muslim Leaders Need To Take ‘Responsibility’ For Radicalization
By UCA News
Muslim leaders around the world, and especially in Malaysia, need to refrain from further stirring up their followers wrote a former politician in a blog post “condemning radicalization.”
“It’s about time Muslims around the world, and especially in Malaysia, start taking responsibility for the growing madness where innocent civilians are killed by suicide bombers. It’s not enough to say Islam is this and that because these suicide bombers are also doing it for Islam,” wrote former law minister Zaid Ibrahim in his blog post July 11.
“They must tell these young warriors to cool down, that the world is busy doing its own thing, and not necessarily attacking Islam, just because Islam forbids and disproves some of the things they like doing,” he wrote.
In his blog post the prominent Malaysian lawyer asked Muslim leaders to cease both anti-West rhetoric and talk about enemies of Islam.
They instead need to look at how Muslim youth are being educated.
“The world wants to live in peace. Muslim leaders and the Muftis must tell the young warriors that the crusades against the West were over 700 years ago,” he wrote.
“I suggest these Muslims start becoming scientists and philanthropist to save the world, and the Muftis start raising money from potential donors to find cures for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Do something useful instead of waging a new crusade.”