Spain: PM Pedro Sánchez Reports On First 100 Days Of Feminist, Ecological And Social Government


The government headed up by Pedro Sánchez took on “the challenge of governing change” 100 days ago in which time he has fulfilled what he announced: a feminist, ecological, pro-European and social government. According to Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, these have been “100 intense and passionate days” in which his government has made change possible.

In this regard, Sánchez recalled that Spain is the country with a female majority of cabinet members and that, in just 100 days, many of the measures contained in the State Pact to Combat Gender-Based Violence have been set in motion. Before the year is out, the government will not only present a Strategic Plan on Ecological Transition, but also a Law to Fight Climate Change.

As regards a pro-European government, Pedro Sánchez considers that “we are not only adopting a European approach that is also respectful of human rights in migratory policy, but Spain is also heading up economic growth in the Eurozone”. He also highlighted the social focus of his government, “because it is not only important to grow, but also that this growth filters down to every social strata of our country, the social majority of our country”.

The Government of Spain wishes to continue consolidating economic growth by making a commitment to re-industrialisation, science and innovation, as well as to re-distribute growth.

“If we grow but do not share out this growth, that is not beneficial for the majority of our citizens” claimed Sánchez. That is why, he said, the government wishes to rebuild the Welfare State, make a decisive commitment to education, vocational training, universities and continue extending rights and liberties in Spain and also approve a Euthanasia Act.

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