US Designates Iranian Commercial Airline Linked To Support For Terrorism
The US announced Wednesday the designation of Iranian commercial airline Mahan Air for providing “financial, material and technological support to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF),” it was announced Wednesday.
The US Department of Treasury indicated that Mahan Air, which is based in Tehran, provides transportation, funds transfers and personnel travel services to the IRGC-QF.
Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David Cohen said that Mahan Air’s “close coordination with the IRGC-QF, secretly ferrying operatives, weapons and funds on its flights, reveals yet another facet of the IRGC’s extensive infiltration of Iran’s commercial sector to facilitate its support for terrorism.”
“Following the revelation about the IRGC-QF’s use of the international financial system to fund its murder-for-hire plot, today’s action highlights further the undeniable risks of doing business with Iran,” he stressed.
As a result of today’s action, US persons are prohibited from engaging in commercial or financial transactions with Mahan Air and any assets it may hold under US jurisdiction are frozen.