EU Nuclear Experts To Assess Japanese Nuclear Situation
To assess the Japanese situation and rule out that a similar nuclear power accident could happen in Europe, EU Commissioner for energy Gunther Oettinger has called for a coordination meeting in Brussels on Tuesday afternoon.
He has invited all 27 EU nuclear safety authorities, all operators of nuclear power plants in the EU and vendors of nuclear power plants in the EU, said a statement released today by the European Commission.
The aim is to get first hand information on contingency plans and safety measures in place in Europe.
The statement said there are no immediate consequences for Europeans. Radiation levels in all EU Member States are at present normal. This has been confirmed Saturday by experts in Luxembourg which are linked to the radiation system in all EU Member States.
Japan authorities have not asked for help but the EU stand ready to provide help in case of a request.
In the European Union 143 nuclear power plants are in use: Belgium has seven, Bulgaria has two, Czech Republic has six, Finland has four, France has 58, Germany has 17, Hungary has four, Netherlands has one, Romania has two, Slovakia four, Slovenia has one, Spain has eight, Sweden has ten, and UK has ninteen nuclear power plants.
Italy and Poland plan to built nuclear power plants.