Qatari FM Says Abraham Accords Will Not Signal Middle East Peace
Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani produced a scathing view of the latest Abraham Accords signed between Israel and each of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan.
Speaking on the second day of the Global Security Forum held in Doha, Wednesday Sheikh Abdul Rahman said these Arab-normalization agreements signed on the final days of the Trump administration will not resolve the Middle East peace crisis according to the Turkish-based Anadolu news agency.
He said The Abraham Agreement “is not compatible with our policy because it does not offer any prospects for ending the [Israeli] occupation.” He added and therefore “economic normalization with Israel cannot be relied upon as long as the occupation continues.”
His comments are going viral on the social media with his statements being quoted continuously as reiterating the normalization agreements doesn’t contribute to the peace process because the crux of the problem is Israel and its occupation of the Palestinian lands.
“We do not see any prospects for the peace process, and therefore we believe that the Abraham Agreement (signed by the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan with Israel) cannot contribute to resolving the crisis,” the top diplomat said to the Turkish based news agency.