European Network Of Excellence For Large-Scale Data Management Over Internet Launched
The objective of PlanetData is to establish a durable European community of researchers that provides organizations with support for publishing their data in new and useful ways.
Partnered by experts from another four European countries, researchers from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid’s Ontological Engineering Group based at the Facultad de Informática have joined a network of excellence that aims to set up a simple mechanism to help researchers publish their data over the Internet.
The objective of PlanetData is to establish a durable European community of researchers that provides organizations with support for publishing their data in new and useful ways, empowering them to make sense of the huge quantities of data continuously published online, including structured and unstructured data, data streams, microblog entries, digital files, e-science resources, public sector datasets and linked data in the cloud.
The project focuses on a series of key challenges that have to be tackled to expose data in a serviceable form on a large scale. It offers data stream representations and scalable techniques for integrating, publishing and accessing such data resources on the Web.
Additionally, PlanetData defines the best practices for capturing the context in which data are produced and make sense —including provenance, and space, time and social characteristics— as a means of increasing the effectiveness of data processing and retrieval techniques.
Data quality
At the same time, PlanetData provides techniques for assessing, recording, preserving and, whenever possible, improving data quality by means of repair techniques during information processing.
With the view to making the exposure of certain types of valuable datasets attractive, PlanetData takes into account user concerns regarding access control and privacy without being a barrier to the indisputable use of the data.
PlanetData is being developed by a consortium partnered by nine research groups from five European countries. The Facultad Informática’s Ontological Engineering Group is participating in the section on data dynamicity and is exploring the key challenges associated with the dynamicity of large-scale data sources with a special focus on data streams from sources such as news feeds.
In this respect, the research led by Oscar Corcho, associate professor at the UPM’s Facultad de Informática, focuses on the annotation of data sources with the aim of improving the processing, mining and fusion of such resources and the modelling, integration and adaptation of unknown and changing data sources.