Fortum To Build More Wind Power In Sweden


Fortum and Skellefteå Kraft, a Swedish energy company, will build the fourth phase of the Blaiken wind farm in Sweden consisting in total of 9 wind turbines.

Skellefteå Kraft will be responsible for the investment of six of the turbines, while Fortum will invest in three turbines. The value of Fortum’s investment is approximately EUR 10 million. The new wind turbines are expected to start production in 2017.

With its current 90 wind turbines, Blaiken Wind is one of the biggest onshore wind farms in Europe. Fortum owns 12 of these 90 turbines. Its annual production is estimated to be between 600 and 720 GWh, which is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 150,000 households. The construction of the wind farm began in 2011.

Per Langer, Executive Vice President, Hydro power and technology division, Fortum, said that Fortum is very happy to continue the good cooperation with Skellefteå Kraft, which has long experience in wind power production.

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