Bosnia And Herzegovina: Aspirations For Better Days Ahead Of Us – Book Review


Honesty, patriotism, virtue of meritocracy, and a meticulous analysis of democracy’s current challenges and obstacles, are under the lenses of Sabahudin Hadžialić throughout all his essays and articles introduced in this unique and relevant book.

Sabahudin Hadžialić, a distinguished European writer and an outstanding ambassador of freedom of expression has encompassed many challenges and almost every current obstacle faced by the democratic government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and of course his concerns on the recent general elections of Bosnia Herzegovina are pertaining to many other nations in Europe, Africa and the Western Hemisphere.

Over the last year I have felt a distinct pleasure while reading every essay published in this volume and the style of writing in all essays of Mr. Sabahudin Hadžialić is original, equipped with a contemporary sense of responsibility and accuracy. Essay’s like “BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AND XXI CENTURY: MAESTRO AND MARGARITA” and “BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AND XXI CENTURY: CRIME AND OURSELVES” have set the tone towards better understanding the society of Bosnia and Herzegovina and above all, they shed light towards understanding the shaping of corruption, nepotism and anachronism in all of those nations that are going through a democracy in transition, very similar to the heart shaped nation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Sabahudin Hadzialic always keeps an open mind in his analyses, shares with the reader a myriad of attractive cultural values in the local society, but at the same time he reveals the challenges that every individual has to go through in order to make a living by doing an honest work.

Debates, conversations and monologues characterize this work as a masterpiece of contemporary political narrative and investigative journalism coupled with a genuine literary style that has no match throughout Central and Eastern Europe. The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina must be proud of such an outstanding writer, whose thoughts are always focused on how to better integrate his country with the rest of the world.

Through his lucidity and sometimes ‘harsh’ language, Hadžialić wants to make his country a place where democratic values are always strengthened and not weakened, a society where local language, folklore and culture is preserved but also they are a means of unity rather division; a nation that sets aside religious and political divisions and embrace development and cutting edge education policies as the perfect strategy to join the European Union while considering the provincial borderlines as rudimentary remnants of the past.

“Within how many times we have witnessed the mocking of artists who tried through their own vision to awaken the bleak shape forms of the consciousness (not to say – to shake up!)”, these are the words of such a patriotic writer that belongs to the third millennium, Hadzialic is one of a few wordsmiths who is avidly heard by decision makers worldwide.

I am confident that this volume of essays has given to the world an extensive image of Bosnia and Herzegovina today and the nation’s aspirations, ambitions that will hopefully be a reality once the new government of Bosnia Herzegovina takes the oath of office.

Europeans and citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina must appreciate this contribution of Sabahudin Hadzialic, which brings to it the center of attention current socio-political affairs in the society of Bosnia Herzegovina. Additionally, this volume further strengthens the strategic relations between Sarajevo and Brussels, as well as bilateral ties of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the United States.

Peter Tase

Peter Tase is a freelance writer and journalist of International Relations, Latin American and Southern Caucasus current affairs. He is the author of America's first book published on the historical and archeological treasures of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan (Republic of Azerbaijan); has authored and published four books on the Foreign Policy and current economic – political events of the Government of Azerbaijan. Tase has written about International Relations for Eurasia Review Journal since June 2012.

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