Conservative TV Network’s CEO Secretly Donated $1 Million To Clinton – OpEd
By Jim Kouri
The owner and CEO of an Internet and cable television news network secretly contributed money to a Democratic Party presidential candidate and forced out one of his own anchormen who hosted a highly rated show because he refused to go along with the CEO’s anti-Trump coverage.
Readers of the Newsmax web site and viewers of NewsmaxTV are being tricked into believing those two entities are conservative news and commentary outlets opposed to progressives ruining the United States. But according to a Wikileaks document released last week by Julian Assange, the now rich and successful founder and CEO of Newsmax Media, Inc., Christopher Ruddy, had contacted Hillary Clinton’s campaign guru John Podesta in order to set up a private meeting with Ruddy and other “conservatives.”
During an investigation into the deep-pocketed Clinton Foundations donors, it was discovered that Mr. Ruddy donated $1-million to the Clinton Foundation in February 2014. It’s also suspected that he donated big bucks to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. “While making money on anti-Clinton or anti-Democrat items in the company’s online store, Ruddy is possibly giving that money to the Clintons. It makes you wonder what else he’s giving the Clinton family,” noted Charles Mendoza, a former police captain and security agent.
Ruddy surprised many NewsmaxTV viewers when he fired his highest-rated host, filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch, because he supported Donald Trump for president and refused to allow his show to be “supervised” for content. While on-the-air in August, Lynch revealed to his audience that due to his “fighting for Trump,”, he was being singled out for restrictions on what he could and could not report on the air. He said, “I will no longer have editorial discretion.”
There are more than a few conservative journalists who believe that the Newsmax brand on the Internet and on cable television has joined Fox News Channel’s Rupert Murdoch in trying to steer Republican and Independent voters away from Trump and to Clinton or even better: get them to stay home thereby helping the Democrats’ heir apparent to the White House win using legitimate or illegitimate means.
Ruddy scored big when he wrote a bestselling book titled, “The Strange Death Of Vincent Foster.” Ruddy claimed that the death of Vince Foster and its aftermath — which included Park Police officers conducting the investigation rather than the FBI or other agency — made Watergate “look like child’s play.”
Fast forward to February 2015, Ruddy told reporters that “Hillary would make a great President.”
In the recent Wikileaks email dump #9, it appears that Chris Ruddy was in communication with Hillary’s current campaign chairman, John Podesta, about helping to coordinate a meeting with conservative leaders and US Congressman Mario Diaz Balart (R-FL) on July 7th. While Balart is a Republican, he is known as a RINO (Republican In Name Only) and favors open borders.
The first Wikileaks email dated, June 10, 2014 allegedly from “conservative” CEO of Newmax Chris Ruddy to John Podesta appears to be a follow-up to a previous email where Chris Ruddy informs Podesta he will be in DC during the week of June 23, 2014. The email was then forwarded to the White House and marked “priority.”