Saudi Arabia: TIEC Reviews PMU Syllabus


Designers of administrative, financial and academic programs of Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU) system, the Texas International Education Consortium (TIEC) reviewed the syllabi of university colleges for implementation in the new academic session.

Main objective of this review is to update and fine tune the courses run by university colleges in line with the current advancements in several academic streams. It is further aimed at assessing syllabuses in compliance with the standards of the USA accreditation bodies.

TIEC and PMU maintain strong relationship since the former party designed university’s system for internationally acceptable academic programs. Both cooperate with each other to fulfill the requirements of the academic excellence. Commissioning of TIEC was held in 2004 for designing the academic, administrative and financial structure of PMU before university’s inception.

Rigorously reviewed curricula for PMU Colleges were finalized, adopted and implemented in 2006. The intervening period of more than half decades necessitated for the PMU curriculum committees to evaluate and suggest changes in the many courses that the university runs. A step has been taken to ensure the degree programs are in compliance with the ACM/IEEE and ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) standards.

TIEC reviewed and updated the original 2004 academic programs through keeping in view the subsequent PMU committee proposals. Proposed updates are according to the current standards of the US accrediting agencies and professional associations. Key focus of the TIEC review is to maintain consistency across various degree programs for content and resources and course integrity plus curriculum quality.

Grouped into specific areas, the TIEC reviews proposed changes are on College-level core requirements; changes in the program-level core requirements and to make changes at individual course levels. This evaluation is to maintain uniformity across all degree programs. The review process involved several distinct phases to determine the appropriate methodology to review all curriculums.

TIEC serves the global educational communities for more than a quarter century now. Its knowledge team has expertise of more than 25,000 faculty and administrators from the 32 Texas universities. They provide services and solution to the world universities. Based to Austin in Texas, TIEC is governed by Board of Directors that comprise of the presidents of 32 participating American Universities.

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