Armenian President Nullifies World Efforts To Resolve Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
By Elmira Tariverdiyeva*
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has nullified the efforts of three world powers which have been trying to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for over 20 years.
Despite the repeated calls by the United States, Russia and France to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Sargsyan suddenly called Azerbaijan’s separatist region recognized by all countries and international institutions as part of Azerbaijan, the integral part of Armenia. The well-known war criminal, whose hands are stained with blood of the Azerbaijani people, babbled nonsense, which he really wants to believe. But that’s not the point.
The point is that the leader of the country which always and everywhere expresses its desire to resolve the conflict with Azerbaijan through peaceful means, destroyed the whole logic of the years-long negotiation process overnight. There is no point to discuss the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with the person who neglected not only the international law, but also the work of hundreds of people who have been trying for many years to ensure peace between the two South Caucasus countries.
Moreover, Sargsyan made these ridiculous remarks at the time when the OSCE Minks Group is making every effort to organize the next meeting between the leaders of the two conflicting countries. Apparently, after these silly remarks by Sargsyan, now it is simply useless for Azerbaijan to meet with the Armenian side, since the negotiation process fell back to the zero point.
Nevertheless, there is a positive side of hearing Sargsyan’s long-held ideas – the world leaders should see and understand the consequences of protracting the process of libration of Azerbaijani lands occupied by Armenia and connivance in maintaining the status quo which is favorable for Armenia.
Today, the world, which is facing calamities due to the growing crisis, is very vulnerable. By turning the blind eye to Armenia’s illegal activities, the international community can pave the way for a new source of conflict which will affect all countries of the region and other international actors.
*Elmira Tariverdiyeva is the head of Trend Agency’s Russian News Service
The author of this article, Elmira Tariverdiyeva, has been well insulated by the Azerbaijani state-controlled media, with no reader commentaries allowed on the Baku-censored sites she posts her anti-Armenian drivel. That is not the case at this site.
Tariverdiyeva claims that the Armenian President, Serzh Sargsyan, is interfering with the OSCE in organizing meetings between Azerbaijani and Armenian officials. In reality, Baku thinks so little of the OSCE that it was expelled from Azerbaijan in June of 2015 – a fact Elmira Tariverdiyeva selectively deleted! Perhaps they can meet in the OSCE’s Armenia office.
And to further derail efforts to organize a meeting between Armenian and Azerbaijani officials, only three days ago Azerbaijan’s “heroic” army killed three Armenian women, ages 94, 70, and 41 years old. As typical in a police state, the state controlled media in Azerbaijan made no mention of those murders and that in retaliation the Armenian army destroyed the Azerbaijani military base with the loss of “heroic” Azerbaijani soldiers and control of associated territory.
The lack of an OSCE office in Baku and this recent Azerbaijani military folly are the real reasons for Tariverdiyeva posting articles with massive and selected deletion of facts.
Yerevan, Armenia
For some context as to who has been the aggressor in Nagorno-Karabagh, I suggest the author read “Nagorno Karabagh: Forgotten People in a Forgotten War” by Baroness Caroline Cox of the British House of Lords, @ and also look to the work of the great late physicist and human rights advocate Andrei Sakharov on this issue.
In direct contradiction to what the author of this article wrote, the OSCE stated the following in its Sept 26 press statement: (
“The Co-Chairs called for the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan to accept an OSCE mechanism to investigate ceasefire violations. Without such a mechanism, the sides will continue to blame each other for initiating deadly attacks on the Line of Contact and Armenia-Azerbaijan border. Armenia has agreed to discuss the details of the mechanism, and we urged Azerbaijan to do the same.”
So, Elmira Tariverdiyeva, according to the OSCE, it is Azerbaijan that finds it difficult to accept peace mechanisms.
Yerevan, Armenia
Nice drivel, almost identical to the copy/paste talking points of the azerbaijani totalitarian regime and its mouthpieces.
Yeah, it is Armenia’s fault for azerbiajan annihilating its Armenian population, then starting war with Armenia and losing it badly. Now they are so butthurt they keep violating cease fire they begged for, and then keep threatening and killing civilians, not to mention their warmongering.