Catholic Male Judicial Nominee Attacked – OpEd
Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono have raised questions regarding the
suitability of Brian C. Buescher to be seated as a federal district
judge. They have a problem with his sex and his religion. Their concerns
are so illegitimate that it raises serious questions about their
ability to scrutinize Catholic males for any federal post.
Buescher belongs to the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal
organization. Like most practicing Catholics, he is pro-life. According
to Harris and Hirono, those two characteristics are troubling, and could
be disqualifying.
Do Harris and Hirono have a problem with Hadassah, the National Council
of Jewish Women, or Women of Reform Judaism? Only Jewish women can
belong to them.
Do they have a problem with the Catholic Daughters of the Americas? Only Catholic women can belong.
Do they have a problem with the League of Women Voters? Do they have a
problem with the Daughters of the American Revolution, founded in 1890?
Do they have a problem with the American Association of University
Women, founded in 1881? All ban men from joining.
Senator Hirono is troubled that the Knights of Columbus supported
California’s Proposition 8 (designed to limit the institution of
marriage to a man and a woman). She calls this position “extreme.” Is
she calling all of those who supported Proposition 8 “extreme”? That
would include millions of traditional Catholics, evangelical
Protestants, Orthodox Jews, Mormons, and Muslims—all of whom came
together to win in one of the nation’s most liberal states.
Before being seated on the high court, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth
Bader Ginsburg was co-founder of the Women’s Rights Project at the ACLU.
Applying the Harris-Hirono test—from a different perspective—this alone
should have been a red flag. Would these women object if in the future
such an affiliation might be considered disqualifying?
Senators Harris and Hirono are playing a game: they are engaged in
selective religious profiling and sexism. Supreme Court Justice Sonia
Sotomayor was not considered a problem with these senators, yet she is
Catholic. But she is also reliably pro-abortion. End of story.
We saw this kind of religious profiling at work when Amy Coney Barrett
was being considered for a federal appeals court post. Unlike Sotomayor,
she is a pro-life Catholic. That’s all that counts.
It’s not just some Democrats who are out of line. Where are the
Republicans challenging them on their religious profiling and sexism?