Live And Let Live – OpEd
It is a means to demonstrate “live and let live.” In an uncertain world, peaceful coexistence with people of various faiths is the greatest strategy for maintaining peace and prosperity. More interfaith cooperation and religious diversity might benefit Pakistan’s development and prosperity. As a consequence, it is imperative that Hindus, Christians, and Muslims alike learn about the importance of tolerance and mutual respect. Since 1947, when India and Pakistan were emancipated from British rule, there has been a lot of communalism baggage. For a happy Pakistan, there must be harmony among the many religious groups and sects that were previously incompatible due to unresolved Partition traumas and other external and internal issues.
Human rights in the nation, particularly for minorities, remain unknown despite the country’s history of religious tolerance, despite the country’s present predicament. Pakistan’s lost heritage must be remembered and rediscovered for future generations of South Asia and the rest of the globe to be happy. One of these components is interfaith harmony. Learn more about Pakistan’s indigenous customs in order to foster peace in the nation.
People who identify as religious minority have a lack of possibilities in the workplace and the economy because of their political marginalisation and lack of economic and social linkages to the rest of the world. Unfair laws and regulations, ignorance about other people and their rights, illiteracy and prejudice towards other faiths, intolerance, poor health and living circumstances, extremism, and foreign meddling are only a few of the most serious issues facing the country today.
A lack of interfaith dialogue, misunderstandings about faith and religion, a weak social safety net, and nonreligious-sensitive spending, projects, and initiatives are among the major obstacles to interfaith harmony. Other issues include political instability, an economic downturn, cultural assimilation issues, and a lack of political will.
As far as radicals are concerned, non-Muslims and moderates alike are being pushed about by extremists. Even though Pakistan’s moderates claim to be the vast majority, those who stand up for progressive ideas face genuine threats of violence, hence they remain a minority in the country. There has been a hazardous rise in the use of religion by certain organisations that seek to influence others’ views. However, this trend has become stronger in recent years due to the post-9/11 reality and the worldwide breadth of the War on Terror. In addition to harming Pakistan’s international image, this has generated concerns about how the Pakistani people, who have been educated to embrace individuals of various colours, would respond in the future, as has been shown throughout time. Pakistanis.
There are several issues that arise when one religious group believes it has the authority to dictate how others should practise their religion. Muslims may now be depicted in the media as a small, extremist sect. A lack of moderates and politicians means that today’s minority radical opinions are the most spoken about since there are not enough moderates. In civil society, progressive viewpoints are rare, and as a result they are undervalued. A lot of danger and a lot of individuals who do not say a word may be found in the middle of these extremes. Misinformation regarding Islam’s essential ideals, which teach universal concepts of equality, tolerance, and the best way to behave for everyone, is on the rise as a result of this problem.
Easter Sunday is a joyous day for Christians across the globe. One of Pakistan’s most significant days is Easter Sunday. Party planning begins well before the big day itself, with adults and children alike. The Day is celebrated in a variety of ways in various cities and villages.
Newly revived NCM has a long history of service to minorities. There has been an increase in the engagement of minority groups in the new NCM. Chela Ram Kewlani has also been appointed as the Commission’s chief executive officer. All federal government services have a 5% minority employment objective. At religious holidays and other times of celebration, all local law enforcement agencies ensure the safety of members of the minority community. Christmas and Easter for Christians are among the ten religious holidays that will be recognised by the government. With the support of Christian minority, the Ministry of Human Rights has drafted regulations on Christian marriage and divorce. Some Christian organisations, on the other hand, desire to amend the existing legislation. After the legislation is enacted, Parliament will hear about it.
For this reason, we recommend the following exercises to go along with these thoughts: Ensuring that Medressah activities are registered and monitored by an official regulatory agency; It is expected that all religious organisations would have a board of trustees that is made up of members from all the world’s major religious traditions. All religious establishments will fall under the purview of this authority. To ensure that all Pakistanis have access to fundamental human rights, policies and processes must be reviewed and updated. Laws against blasphemy should not be abused in any way. Minorities are provided equal access to resources to aid their development.
*The author holds an M.Phil from National Defence University and freelance writer and can be reached at [email protected].