People See European Union As Part Of Solution To Economic Crisis – Poll


Europeans continue to see the European Union as the most effective actor – ahead of national governments – in tackling the effects of the economic crisis (see Annex). The EU remains in first place (23%, +1) and is followed by national governments (20%, unchanged). The G20 (16%, +2) ranks third ahead of the International Monetary Fund (14%, -1).

A clear majority of Europeans (61%, -4) say that the current financial situation of their household is good. However, there remain wide differences between countries – from 24% in Greece and Hungary to 85% in Netherlands, 88% in Finland, 89% in Denmark and 90% in Sweden.

As in previous Eurobarometers, responses about the situation of national economies differ widely between Member States. While over three quarters of people in Sweden, Luxembourg and Germany say the economic situation is good, fewer than 5% share this view in Greece, Ireland and Spain. Overall, in the last 6 months, there has been a slight decline in those saying the current situation of the national economy is good to 28% (-2) and a slight rise in those who think it is bad to 71% (+3).

There is a growing public realisation that the solution of the crisis will be a marathon rather than a sprint. Only 23% of Europeans feel that its impact on jobs has reached its peak while 68% think the opposite.

Overall, Europeans continue to trust the European Union (34%) more than their national governments (24%). However, both results recorded a marked decrease (-7 and -8 points, respectively) compared to the Spring 2011 survey.

The Autumn 2011 Eurobarometer was conducted through face-to-face interviews between 5 November and 20 November 2011. A total of 31,659 people were interviewed across the 27 EU Member States and in the candidate countries.

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