PA’s Complicity With The Israeli Occupying Power – OpEd


The Palestinian political class has come to terms with the Israeli occupation. The Oslo Accords turned the Palestinian Authority (PA) into a subcontractor of the occupier, and the top brass feels comfortable with this situation in Palestine.

Right from the start, I opposed the so-called peace process because of the content of the documents Yasser Arafat had to sign. I already wrote in 1994 that the Gaza-Jericho Agreement would mean the beginning of the end of an independent Palestinian state. Palestine would be divided into Bantustans, today I would call them fenced in ghettos, which are guarded by the Israeli occupation regime. If the situation gets out of control, they are also bombarded. My worst “dreams” have come true. For the Palestinians, the Oslo Accords have become a nightmare

Nelson Mandela would have never accepted a deal with the South African Apartheid Regime for a few meaningless and hollow political symbols as Yasser Arafat did. And President Abbas has perfected this system of indirect rule and control to the detriment of his people.

The daily brutality of the Israeli occupation regime calls for an adequate answer before the Israeli colonial regime has incorporated the remains of Palestine. The Israeli Apartheid and occupation regime must go and should be replaced by a binational democratic state for all Israelis and Palestinians alike.

Ludwig Watzal

Dr. Ludwig Watzal works as a journalist and editor in Bonn, Germany. He runs the bilingual blog “Between the lines”. He can be reached at

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