How Are Investments Made? – OpEd
The answer is actually very simple. The investments are made in the person, company, project that multiplies the money you give. It cannot be placed to the person, company or project that will sink, spend, shrink or bankrupt the money you give.
Simply think of your own children. Let’s say a child uses the money you give as a down payment, he adds to this money by working himself, buys a house, buys a better car, and spends it on his child’s education. This is a good investment, those should be encouraged. No refund is expected. It is good for the child to raise the money given and spend it for a better standard of living for himself and his or her family.
On the other hand, let’s say another child spends the money you give, consumes, shrinks, finishes, and expects you to come back and get more money from you. Will you continue to invest, that is, to give money? Just like a swamp bankrupt company, it is constantly sucking money, but without any return.
In order for a child to understand the value of money and to keep his expenses under control, he must work in the real life and earn money. A person who does not know how to make money, does not know the value of money. A person who can’t get a job, who can’t find a job on his own, can’t understand the value of the job he has started.
The best investment in life, the investment that gives the best return, is the money you will spend on your child’s education. You don’t expect to be paid back for the money you spend here. Getting your child’s education and academic degrees that you can’t do gives you the greatest sense of achievement in life. You will be much happier if your grandchild can do the same. The monthly subsistence allowances to be given to the grandchildren in their academic life are of great importance. The amount of money given is not less than most, the contribution made to the education life of the student and grandchild comforts him, reminds him that his mother, father, grandfather, grandmother are thinking of him, that he is with him.
You must have seen many similar events in your life. The uneducated child of the family sells the family’s real estate, distributes the money in his hands for ridiculous expenses after each sale, consumes it in a short time, other cash values are coveted, and discontent reigns between siblings. That’s why it’s so important for children to get a good education.
Well-educated young people finish their school, get married, spouses must work, it is not right for the unemployed spouse to be a burden on the other spouse in this period. And they have children. The greatest happiness for grandparents is to take care of their grandchildren. Taking care of grandchildren is not difficult for adults. To follow the crawling and speaking of the grandchild, to walk outside together, to go to the playground, to take the grandchild to school when he gets older, to bring him to the sports school, to take him to the piano lessons. I have a little advice here. Do not volunteer for such work, parents should ask you for this help. And when they do, accept it immediately, do not turn it down no matter what.