Egypt: Sinai Offensive Continues, Dialogue Underway With Tribal Leaders
The military offensive continues in the Sinai, where the army said it killed 11 Jihadist fighters since the start of operations, and arrested 23.
For Operation Eagle the military deployed an entire infantry division backed by hundreds of armoured vehicles and new tanks, especially for the destruction of the underground tunnels to the Gaza Strip.
According to the Egyptian media, the central ‘Gabal al Halal’ mountain region – where intelligence says hundreds of Jihadist militants are holed up – hasn’t been targeted yet for various reasons, including the logistic difficulties and perilous terrain.

Cairo intends to end the military operations, raising concerns of Israel, and putting in place diplomatic efforts for a dialogue mediated by religious and tribal leaders. The offensive began following an attack on August 5 that left 16 border guards dead. As an immediate consequence, President Mohammed Morsi demanded the resignation of the intelligence chief and Defence minister.