Perception And Awareness Of Climate Change In Pakistan – Analysis
The contemporary world is in ripples, grappled with challenges that are endangering human welfare and security. Out of these challenges climate change is one of the most concerning hazards faced by the human kind. Being an unprecedented crisis, its complex and interconnected nature has caused severe damages to eco-system ranging from excessive wildfires to heat waves, glacier melting to flooding and droughts thereby hampering the well-being of life on planet. In addition, its trans-national nature and in-discriminatory consequences have rendered it as a subject of global attention in twenty first century.
With increasing advancement especially, the industrial revolution, the carbon footprint has been on a rise exponentially mainly due to the anthropogenic causes particularly the burning of fossil fuels which releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, eventually leading to trapping of heat and causing increased global temperatures. However, while the advancement is not evenly distributed so are the negative consequences of climate change. Developing nations are often disproportionately affected, despite their less contribution to the change in climate. Therefore, environment being a ‘collective good’ and climate change as an international problem requires global and collaborated problem solving approach.
Nowadays, climate change is a buzzword that has attracted a large audience. It is imperative to take crucial global policy actions for adaptation and mitigation for building a more resilient and sustainable future as the world has entered into an era of ‘boiling era’ . While, the solutions range from a global commitment to transition from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources, investments in adaptation measures and capacity building of communities, yet the most important solution is awareness and busting the myths related to climate change and undoing the propaganda of climate deniers and skeptics is the need of the hour.
Main argument
Developed nations have mounting awareness and people know the significance and impact of climate education and are well aware of the consequences, but on the contrary developing countries lack the necessary education about the concurrent calamities it brings in the form of floods, glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs), storms, droughts and changing weather patterns.
The risks of climate change are multifold in the global South but and at the same time the education and awareness are lacking. Climate education and awareness is important because people in most of the developing countries believe these changes are all natural and as ordinary citizens, they have no role in leading to or mitigating climate change.
Pakistan being is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world in the context of climate change had one of the extreme human and economic losses from the 2022 floods in Sindh and Baluchistan that not only burdened the country but has also significantly slowed the development of these provinces by manyfold. The floods destroyed the livelihood by killing cattle, destroying crops, and ruining the make-up of the environment for years to come. However, being one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, unfortunately people in Pakistan are significantly unaware about this phenomenon.
Climate change is causing unpredictable weather patterns in Pakistan, from irregular rainfall, monsoon shifts, temperature fluctuations, to changing seasons. Firstly, Deforestation is a major contributor to climate change and is destroying Pakistan’s natural carbon sinks. Educating the public about the importance of forests and promoting sustainable forestry practices is crucial.
Secondly, climate change also poses a significant threat to food security in Pakistan. Adopting climate-smart agricultural practices and promoting sustainable food production is essential. Thirdly, there has been a surge in deaths due to heat waves and humidity in many cities of Pakistan. Increasing health hazards like hypertension, infections due to smog, poisonous water and air as well as climate anxiety are real and happening in real time. These events are causing ramifications for the psychological and mental well-being of people.
Lastly, weak institutions and low coping capacity further exacerbate the climate risks in Pakistan. There is also a lack of awareness among the government, state institutions, and the general public. Hence, I posit that awareness campaigns on numerous platforms can help in developing a more resilient society. Increased awareness will help develop early warning systems to prepare people. It will help farmers adjust their agricultural practices and minimize losses . And it will also help people be more prepared health-wise to tackle the changing climate.
All the provinces of Pakistan i.e., Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and federally administered areas like Gilgit Baltistan, and AJK, suffer every year due to climate change in different ways. The Government of Pakistan spends billions of rupees to recover from these disasters. However, reactive monetary spending is useless and only a burden on the feeble economy until people are unaware of this term and how it is adversely affecting the globe. Pakistan has also taken commendable initiatives like the Ten Billion Tree Tsunami, Clean and Green Pakistan, Living Indus Initiative, Ravi Urban Development Project, Urban Forestry Initiative, Electric Vehicle Policy, National Climate Change Policy 2021, and US Green Alliance Framework, among other initiatives.
Still, there is a dire need for more of these steps along with their stringent implementation. Hence, it is essential to raise awareness about climate change in Pakistan as only then this issue can be tackled and the efficiency of government measures be amplified . As otherwise even if the government takes necessary steps for adaptation to the changing climate, the lack of awareness will hamper any success in this domain.
The globalized, technological advance century and the modern age presents both challenges and limitations. While we owe the change in climate partly to this phenomenon yet this technological advancement can be utilized to raise awareness among people via a plethora of available means. Raising awareness among people regarding this critical issue and making them informed of the calamitous consequences of climate change is the need of the time. Only when people are aware of this term, then they can understand the increasing occurrence and intensity of these catastrophic events. Every year, climate related calamities take the lives of millions of people. There will be millions of climate refugees in years to come. Timely awareness among people can not only save lives but also alleviate the issues emanating from the myriad of undulations of climate change.
Policy Recommendations
Every step big or small needs to be taken at each platform, famous or remote, to aware people about the climate change. Only then we can hope for a thriving future. Some Policy Recommendations for amplifying public awareness and perception of Climate Change in Pakistan are elaborated below:
1. Role of Education sector:
Education at the primary level is crucial. Any step taken or any action is futile until and unless climate change becomes a part of the curriculum and is taught at the primary level. Adding climate related subject in the curriculum at the primary and middle level is vital because students can understand this term at an early stage and will surely prefer environmentally friendly and sustainable approaches.
In Pakistan, there is mediocre education about climate change as our education system unfortunately focuses more on cram learning of decades old syllabus, outdated teaching methodologies and skill-oriented education. Similarly, the awareness that is being created is delivered by civil and non-governmental organizations. However, in reality it needs to be done by the government.
In developed countries, climate change is focused from the school level, leading to a more informed society and better adaptation. There is a myriad of climate debates, internships and scholarships in the West and a lot of climate activists lie Greta Thunberg are coming from these countries. On the contrary, Pakistan and other developing countries, grappled in domestic and traditional side of security issues, have failed to understand the urgency of this threat and hence are suffering the most. In Pakistan, there is inadequate knowledge about climate change and that too is mostly at the university level and inspired by the West with a lack of primary research. College students are moderately aware but at the school level, there is absolutely no knowledge.
To educate people, there should be national and grass root level initiatives. Some recommendations are:
- Integrate climate change education into school curriculums at all levels, employing engaging and interactive methods such as adding cartoons, pictures, and illustrations
- Developing a more inclusive and culturally sensitive as well as relevant, multi-lingual public service campaigns custom made for diverse audiences ranging from educated to uneducated, rural to urban, man to woman, and child to adult, etc.
- Encouraging quiz, poster, art and debate competitions
2. The role of Media:
Media being the most important pillar of twenty first century has an undeniable convincing power and strong reach. The print, electronic and social media can be used for different segments of society to increase climate awareness . While media might not be penetrated enough in rural areas, still a vast majority can be educated and this is a step in the right direction.
- Television, radio, talk shows, debates, podcasts and documentaries can be aired on national and private TV channels
- News headline during the peak time on TV and radio to educate people
- Mandatory for newspapers to publish at least one article and news on the front page about climate change
- The World Environment Day and other important events need to be celebrated
3. Building Trust
There are a lot of people who do not believe climate change to be true. Many influential figures and countries have expressed their distrust in this real time happening phenomena hence a lack of trust from an ordinary citizen is not unexpected. To increase trust and awareness at the grassroot level, it is important that the information be shared by credible people from society.
Some recommendations are:
- Partner with credible experts, scientists, and influencers to deliver accurate information
- Include religious leaders to aware people about climate change especially in Friday sermons in Mosques, Sunday prayers in Church, in Temples and Gurdwaras
- Create platforms for active participation and public engagement
- Promote media literacy to educate people about fact checking regarding climate change
- Ensure transparent communication from government policies and initiatives
4. Promoting Community led initiatives:
Community action is necessary to deal with this issue of climate change. Community action necessitates the inclusion of all segments, age groups, socio-economic classes and genders for an all-encompassing action. Only by educating children from schools to universities, spreading awareness from social media users to newspaper and radio listeners, educating both office going men and housewives, amalgamating knowledge of both science and indigenous communities can the genie of climate change be contained in a bottle.
Some recommendations are elucidated below:
- Provide resources and training to develop local/indigenous climate adaptation plans
- Promote sustainable livelihoods lifestyle
- Educate farmers about smart and climate-resilient agriculture practices
- Facilitate information sharing via workshops, exchange programs, and online medium
5. Nurturing Technological advancement:
While advancing technology is significant, educating people about safe and updated technology is equally important. The shift from Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) equipment to environmentally safe machinery was a remarkable result of well informed and aware citizenry.
Some recommendations for this step are penned below:
- Develop and promote climate-smart technologies
- Invest in research and development (R&D) and indigenous technological solutions
- Promote climate resilient infrastructure and transport
6. Strengthening the Cs for Climate: Capacity, Credibility and Collaboration
It is the three Cs of capacity building, credible knowledge and effective interdepartmental and inter-societal collaboration which can advance the resilience of societies to tackle the change in climate. One case to demonstrate the significance if these Cs is the recent cyclone Biparjoy which was expected to endanger both Indian and Pakistani coast, but due to mistrust between the two countries there was no capacity building, credible data sharing or even a slight collaboration on the matter.
Further zooming in the Cs, in a society lack of government capacity, credible information collection and sharing and lastly collaboration is lacking and therefore exacerbating the perils of climate change. Some recommendations are jotted below:
- Enhance government capacity in implementing effective programs
- Establish robust information sharing and partnerships at interdepartmental and intergovernmental level
- Promote cooperation among civil society organizations, NGOs, and academia
- Engage in regional cooperation
These above-mentioned policy recommendations, along with constant monitoring, and evaluation can meaningfully advance public awareness and perceptions of climate change in Pakistan. By empowering communities, nurturing technology, and solidifying institutional capacity, Pakistan can build up its resilience towards a more sustainable future.
To sum up, elevating climate change awareness in Pakistan is an urgent necessity. Considering the nation’s vulnerability to climate-related disasters, prompt action is required. By integrating climate education into the educational system, introducing government-led awareness efforts, employing media platforms, and encouraging sustainable activities Pakistan can facilitate the development of a more knowledgeable and informed public.
To alleviate the repercussions of climate change, measures like early warning systems, sustainable agriculture, and mental health awareness are essential. Sustained efforts, collaboration on a global scale, and a commitment to continuous education are vital in safeguarding a sustainable and resilient future for Pakistan and the world. But none of this is achievable without education and awareness.