Atheism As A Conclusion – Essay
By Prof. Dr. Sabahudin Hadzialic
The more you know, the more questions you ask. But, as you ask more questions, within the countries of the former communist regime, the less answers you get. Why is that and is it contradictio in adiecto, or…?
Per aspera ad Merry go round
Studying, living and researching for years focused on media literacy and media ethics, and living exactly half the time (31 years each) within both “systems” within the area of former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, I can simply say: If there ever was a God here in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, he/she was slaughtered within the past 30 years or so.
I will defend this hypothesis easily and slowly through a series of essays within which I will try and, hopefully, such that media literate readers will support my conclusions. And to underline, at the beginning for the media illiterate: The person who writes this was anti-communist so badly that he was, back in 1986, accused of brain-washing at the local Central Committee of the Communist Party because of his writings, such as “Gulliver prediction and Lilliput achievements”. So if anyone calls me a communist after reading this essay, that is like calling Donald Trump a Democrat!
Nevertheless, the Promised Land of happiness and joy has not been reached in ex-Yugoslavia because of one simple reason, which reflects on the World in general: hypocrisy.
Simple. Namely, without having a state where justice is responsible — responsibility leads to is empathy and empathy is equality and vice versa — you could only be faced with radical changes from the far left to far right. Suddenly, having on one side a country that had lived within the socialist self-governing dream, and at the same time, in a quiet way pushing aside without open discussion, religion per se, you could only expect the bloody ending of that country. Unfortunately, not just was it a bloody ending, but it has not finished yet, even more than 20 years after the ceasing of all wars within the area.
Why did Socialist Yugoslavia not have any discussion with religion(s) during the period 1945-1991? Simply put, because of a rigid communism written within the foundations of its being, regardless of the many “changes” that happened within the country within that period: open state, highly respected passport. That “rigid communism” did not want to have any discussion about religion(s) because it could not defend itself if somebody were to ask about freedom of the media, freedom of discussion, the changing of the system and the creation of multi-party system. But, at the same time, on the other side, having been hiding “under the carpet” a lot of issues related to the ownership of land, or the transformation of a huge number of Nazi collaborators during World War II who as Chetnics (1) and Ustašas (2) just couple a months before ending of the war joined Tito’s partisans (3) with the “promise” that they would obey and follow the new master – communists.
Just before the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the same thing happened. Suddenly, members of the Communist Party became God followers (regardless which religion in question: Christianity, Islam and/or Judaism). More than 9 million members of the Communist Party became member of Nationalistic parties, which led them all to the bloody war of the 1990s. Of course, the International Court for war crimes gave a final word on who were the guiltiest parties, but former communists are to be blamed, as newly established believers under the leadership of former communists and/or prisoners of the communist party prisons, the “real” believers. It was a merry-go-round.
Atheism is the World, per se
So, why the use of “atheism” within the title of this essay? Simply, because we all are living in the World of atheism today, regardless if we are believers or not. Again, how is that? Let us go back and think about the man who died 2023 years ago, Jesus Christ. He was a real communist and he was practicing exactly the things he was talking about, such as equality, honesty, goodness and truth. But what have we today? Lies on a daily basis and hypocrisy every minute. And if you can imagine that religion talks about equality, goodness truth and honesty all around former Yugoslavia in so-called “secular” countries, at the same time there are so many thieves and liars around us. Contradictio in adiecto.
That is why I am saying that we are living in a world of atheism and we do not know it. This is because we are media illiterate, and we have allowed the worst among us to lead, not just in so-called communist countries, but also in the countries which are supposed to be beacons of democracy.
What is the solution?
More about that in my next essay, “Atheism is the only solution – responsible one”, very soon.
Love this perfection ❤️
Appreciate. Stay tuned for the rest, please.