James Madison University Censors Christmas – OpEd
“Mary Did You Know” is a song that cannot be tolerated at James Madison University. Lyrics include, “Mary, did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?” It also contains lyrics which note that when Mary kisses her baby, she has “kissed the face of God.”
This song was to be sung on Dec. 11 at the annual “Unity Tree” (read: Christmas tree) lighting ceremony. But after the song was banned, the students who were to sing it refused to sing any songs at this event.
Bill Wyatt, associate director of communications at the school, explains the decision to muzzle the free speech of these students. “JMU is a public university, so because it was a school-sponsored event, the song choice needed to be secular.” He is wrong. The following events have either taken place, or will take place, at other Virginia public institutions:
George Mason University: On Nov. 29, “A Chanticleer Christmas” concert was held that featured “ancient hymns” and “venerated sacred music.” On Dec. 18, the Vienna Boys Choir will offer a “Christmas in Vienna” concert that includes “sacred hymns.”
Virginia Military Institute: On Dec. 8, it held an event, “Carols in the Courtyard” that included, “God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman.”
Radford University: On Oct. 23, the Madrigal Singers performed “Hail Mary.”
University of Mary Washington: On Dec. 4 and 5, a faculty member sang “Ave Maria” and “O Holy Night” at the Holiday Pops Concert. No one was arrested.
Censoring Christmas is obscene, but lying about it is even worse. There is no law banning religious songs from being sung at public schools.
Contact Wyatt: [email protected]
This is nonsense. JMU held a Holiday Fest concert the next night loaded with sacred music. Running right now at the JMU planetarium is “Mystery of the Christmas Star.” http://www.jmu.edu/events/planetarium/11/23-christmas-star-returns.shtml
The only liar is this editorialist.