Clinton Must Sanction Her Bigoted Chiefs – OpEd
Remarks released by WikiLeaks reveal anti-Catholicism on the part of the Clinton campaign.
Three persons tied to the Clinton campaign—two of them integrally—have been caught making bigoted comments about Catholics and Catholicism.
John Podesta is Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, and Jennifer Palmieri is Hillary’s communications director. Their contempt for Catholicism is palpable. Documents have surfaced showing that they ridiculed News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch, and Wall Street Journal managing editor Robert Thomson, for raising their children Catholic.
Podesta agreed with Palmieri that the two men chose Catholicism over evangelical Protestantism for bogus reasons. Podesta explained, “They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they’re talking about.” Palmieri also impugned their integrity, while also slighting evangelicals: “Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals.”
One of Podesta’s colleagues at the Center for American Progress, John Halpin, was particularly scornful: “Friggin’ Murdoch baptized his kids in Jordan where John the Baptist baptized Jesus.” For Halpin, the only legitimate Catholics are liberals. Here is what he said about conservative Catholics. “It’s an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.”
These anti-Catholic remarks are bad enough, but it makes one wonder what else Clinton’s chiefs, and others associated with the campaign, are saying about Catholics and Catholicism. If Trump’s inner circle spoke with derision about transgender persons, the sirens would be sounded by the mainstream media and his operatives would be hung out to dry.
Hillary Clinton is not responsible for this Catholic bashing, but she has a moral obligation to sanction Podesta and Palmieri immediately.
Contact: [email protected]
I would not expect William Donohue to avoid the opportunity to be selectively outraged at comments made by prominent Democrats on the subject of Catholic faith. But what Mr. Donohue deliberately chooses not to say is:
Mr. Podesta and Ms. Palmieri are questioning the legitimacy of the claims to faith of Rupert Murdoch and Robert Thomson. Their comments are not in any way denigrations of Catholic or Evangelical faith, but rather denigration of what they see as craven and opportunistic claims of faith by Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Thomson.
If you think Podesta and Palmieri owe apologies to Thomson and Murdoch, I agree with you. But they appear to me to be offended by opportunist claims of religiosity, which is more a defense of faith than a critique of it.
Again, Mr. Donohue knows this. But he doesn’t political points by supporting Democrats.