World As Global Sin: The Next Step – Essay
By Prof. Dr. Sabahudin Hadzialic
We have an issue of contradictio in adiecto having in mind the current situation within Turkey that is increasing conflict with basically the rest of Europe and the World of Western democracy, as well.
On one side we have a huge development of populism in Turkey focused on “one” leader, “one” thinker and “one” executioner, in the person of His Excellency, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey is since 2014. And on the other side we have the same rise of populism in the rest of the World having in mind how His Excellency, Mr. Donald Trump, President of USA came to power in November 2016, and how populist votes are gaining in Belgium, France, Italy.
On one side we have almost on a daily basis events of similar nature happening in the Western Democracy as the one His Excellency, Mr. Erdoğan wants to have in the Netherlands, but has been forbidden to do (not him, of course, but his Ministers and/or clerks) within the field of Western democracy.
On one side we have “democracy,” in which neo-liberalism works at home and where a lot of people are struggling for pure survival on the basis of dependence to adjusting themselves to the needs of capitalism — the opposite of what is expected if we would like to make the world a place for joint and successful living. Also, at the same time we have, on other side of the Globe, almost 80 children that are dying on daily basis because of hunger and lethal diseases.
On the other side we have Turkey, which is under the control of one leader and his followers, who were elected under democratic rules (I assume and I hope) and in accordance to that he can than do whatever he wants because he has been elected within the democracy way of election. And what is democracy, but “the ruling of the freely elected representatives” (Arend Lijphart, 2000). The difference between democracy and dictatorship is in that: On one side you have coup d’état and a one party system and on other side we have democracy and multiparty system. The difference is not within the freedom of expression and any other freedoms…the difference is that the multy-party system is like an orgy (read: group sex).
We have a serious problem in the World where when we do something it is viewed as if it is the result of democracy — the problem is, there is no difference, simple as it is.
On both sides we have interests of: a) religion; b) capital; c) democracy.
I always remember that, during the World Wars the Chief Commanders were saying: “God is on our side!” Isn’t it amazing that in this view that God is on the right side, and that God is, very often, differently called from the ones involved within the Conflict. And yet, at the same time, there is only one God, but we call It differently, depending to which religion we belong.
So, here, we have God on both sides, and tensions are growing in this March of 2017. Who will suffer in the end? Turkey and, or, Europe? The suffering ones will be the people on both sides.
What is the answer?
Consensualism – Consensus decision-making is a group decision making process that not only seeks the agreement of most participants, but also the resolution or mitigation of minority objections.
How we will get there?
Easy, when we sitt around the table and openly say what we think is the problem. Then we try to find common points within the problem. Everything is not within the wish, but within the thinking.
Like Hana Arendt, philosopher, who underlined: “People who wish different thing cannot agree, but those who think differently can agree.” I still think that we just have a case of different thinking between Europe and Turkey.
On one side, His Excellency, Mr. Erdoğan and Turkey should re-think his/its position within the “democracy” in that country, because the freedom of all is the freedom of one, and freedom of one is freedom of all.
On other side, Europe, and the rest of Western democracy world, should re-think its position within the “democracy” framework in the free world, because the freedom of all is the freedom of one, and freedom of one is freedom of all.
How we can manage that?
Just sit and talk. The worst enemies became friends after conversation, because as Mahatma Gandhi said: “The pursuit of truth does not permit violence being inflicted on one’s opponent.”
Quran quote: “We have appointed a law and a practice for every one of you. Had God willed, He would have made you a single community, but He wanted to test you regarding what has come to you. So compete with each other in doing good. Every one of you will return to God and He will inform you regarding the things about which you differed.” (Surat al-Ma’ida, 48)
Bible verse: Hebrews 12:14 – Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. James 3:18 -Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
The answer cannot be found within accusations that the one is a “dictator” and that another one is a “Nazi”.
The answer is within open and serious dialogue about issues that are occuring around the world and that there are deeper reasons under the surface of appearances.
Again, neo-liberalism is a problem. Again, nationalism (read: populism) is a problem.
Again, the existing way of executing democracy is a problem.
Also, let’s sit and talk about it within this World as Global sin.
I am ready. Are you?