Ukraine Court Upholds Decision On Tymoshenko, Lutsenko
A Ukrainian court has upheld a decision to bar two jailed opposition leaders from registering as candidates for upcoming parliamentary elections.
The decision Wednesday on former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko cannot be appealed.
The United Opposition party had appealed a court decision to refuse to recognize a complaint against election officials who would not register Tymoshenko and Lutsenko for the October 28 elections because of their convictions.
Tymoshenko is serving a seven-year sentence after being convicted of abuse of office in 2011 while she was prime minister. She has denied the charges.
Lutsenko, who was found guilty of embezzlement and abuse of office, was sentenced earlier this year to four years in prison.
In an interview with VOA’s Ukrainian Service, Lutsenko called the prosecutions of Tymoshenko and himself “politically motivated.” He also said President Viktor Yanukovych’s ruling party had determined that prosecuting the two will create a fear of Ukrainian authorities.
A price has apparently been set for justice, or at least freedom, at a mere $7.5 billion. Unless paid, Ukrainian judges will not accept Tymoshenko’s claim that she has ten fingers unless Yanukovich agrees first.
Since she is guilty of abuse of office, she is obviously a career criminal who is guilty of other offenses as well, such as murder, embezzlement, theft. and abuse of prison guards. It must be true because the papers say so, and the papers do not lie, especially those that are controlled by Yanukovych.
Justice is not dead in Ukraine, but is simply holidaying abroad while Yanukovych is filling his pockets. We have had enough of these kangaroo show courts. Get them over and done with so that she can proceed to a REAL court in the European Court for Human Rights. I believe that Justice currently resides in France.