The Inseparable Bond: Political Science And Public Administration – OpEd


Political science and public administration are two closely intertwined fields that are integral to the functioning of any government or administrative system. While political science focuses on the study of political processes, institutions, and behavior, public administration deals with the implementation and management of government policies and services. This essay delves into the reasons why political science is necessary to understand public administration.

To comprehend public administration, one must first understand the policy-making process. Political science provides crucial insights into the formulation, adoption, and implementation of policies. It examines the role of various actors, such as politicians, interest groups, and bureaucrats, in shaping policies. Public administrators need this knowledge to effectively implement and manage government policies, as they must work within the political context in which policies are developed.

Political culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and norms that shape a society’s political behavior. It greatly influences how citizens perceive their government, and consequently, how public administrators interact with the public. Political scientists study political culture to gain insights into the expectations and preferences of the citizenry, which are vital for public administrators when designing public programs, services, and communication strategies that resonate with the population.

Accountability and Transparency:

Political science explores the concepts of accountability and transparency in government. Public administration is responsible for ensuring that government actions are transparent and that officials are held accountable for their decisions. A thorough understanding of political dynamics, including elections, checks and balances, and citizen engagement, is crucial for public administrators to uphold these principles and maintain the public’s trust.

Political science sheds light on the behavior of bureaucracies, which is essential for those involved in public administration. It examines the motivations, constraints, and rationality of bureaucratic decisions. Public administrators need this knowledge to navigate the complex bureaucratic landscape, ensure efficient service delivery, and make informed decisions within the framework of existing administrative structures.

Public administration is concerned with the implementation of government policies and programs. However, the effectiveness of these policies depends on their design and evaluation, which is a domain of political science. Public administrators must understand the criteria and methodologies used in policy analysis to determine the best approaches for achieving desired outcomes.

Political Leadership and Decision-Making:

Political leaders play a pivotal role in setting the direction of government policies and priorities. A solid understanding of political science is vital for public administrators to comprehend the decision-making processes of elected officials and to provide them with the necessary information and support to implement their agendas effectively.

Public administration is inherently interdisciplinary, drawing from fields like law, economics, sociology, and political science. While each of these disciplines contributes to the understanding of public administration, political science serves as the linchpin that connects and contextualizes the various elements involved in the functioning of government and public services.

In conclusion, political science is indispensable for understanding public administration. It provides the theoretical foundation and practical insights necessary for public administrators to navigate the complex world of governance. A solid grasp of political science is vital for public administrators to effectively implement policies, maintain accountability, and respond to the needs and expectations of citizens. The synergy between these two fields is not just a matter of academic interest; it is a practical necessity for the efficient and democratic operation of government systems.

Mir Hassan

Mir Hassan is a Lecturer in the Department of Public Administration, FMS, BUITEMS

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