Indra Enters Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index


Indra, one of the leading global technology and consultancy companies, said Tuesday it has been included in the 2020 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI), an acknowledgment of the leading companies in terms of transparency related to gender issues and the promotion of equality and diversity, which lists 6,000 companies from 84 countries and regions around the world. Only 15 Spanish companies are listed on this renowned global diversity index.

The GEI Index, which this year includes 325 companies from 50 industries in 42 countries and regions, monitors and evaluates the performances of the companies most committed to supporting gender equality 

by means of their policies, the improvement of female representation and transparency. It supplies this information to socially responsible investors who are displaying an increasing demand for this kind of non-financial information, thus helping to improve reporting and transparency. 

To be listed on the index, Indra had to obtain a score equal to or greater than the overall threshold established by Bloomberg in the five areas it takes into account: female leadership and talent pipeline, equal pay and gender pay parity, inclusive culture, sexual harassment policies and pro-women brand.

Inclusion in this benchmark diversity index represents acknowledgment of Indra’s commitment to progress for women and diversity in the working environment, in the countries it operates in and in society as a whole. Diversity has also become one of the key elements in the profound cultural transformation process that the company has undergone in recent years to become the most attractive, exciting and motivating entrepreneurial project for global digital talent.

“At Indra we’re working on diversity as a matter of justice, but also because it’s an engine that drives innovation, enriches organizations and improves productivity and competitiveness. We’re convinced that we need all the diversity of talent available to address the numerous challenges and opportunities that lie ahead to improve the world and society”, said Luz Santillana, Director of Development and Commitment at Indra.

A forerunner in supporting equality

Indra launched its Diversity Policy in 2004 and has had an Equality Plan since 2006, even before it was required by law. The Code of Ethics and Legal Compliance, which includes the corporate principles of integrity, professionalism and respect that must guide the work of professionals, also reflects respect for diversity. In addition, the company promotes working conditions that prevent sexual and gender-based harassment.

To guarantee equal opportunities for all professionals, both men and women, the company implements procedures that ensure meritocracy in all the areas of Human Resources. Its pay gap fell to 2.7% in 2018, a percentage that represents the difference in earnings between women and men, taking into account similar positions and responsibilities. The percentage of women in the workforce has also risen in all the categories and in global terms.

Indra is one of the five Ibex-35 companies that has a woman as an executive director: Cristina Ruiz, general executive director responsible for Indra’s Information Technologies business. It also has one of the highest percentages of women (34% of the workforce and 20% in management and executive positions) compared with the average figures for companies in the sector.

In 2011, Indra received the “Equality in Business” Distinction, awarded by the Spanish Government, and it has been included for the second consecutive year in the VariableD2020 Report as one of the Spanish companies with the best practices in the fields of equality, diversity and gender. Internationally, in Mexico, Indra holds the Socially Responsible Company seal awarded by the Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (Mexican Center for Philanthropy), and the recognition as an Empresa de Diez Incluyente (Excellent Inclusive Company), awarded by the Secretariat of Employment and Welfare and the Federal Institute for Workers’ Housing (Infonavit in its Spanish initials). Furthermore, in 2019 it received the Sura Prize in Colombia for facilitating the professional and personal development of its employees.

Support for women in and outside the company

Since 2018, Indra has reinforced its gender diversity program with new initiatives to adapt to today’s world and to achieve three objectives: to promote a culture in which having different sensitivities and capacities is perceived as a value that combats prejudices and stereotypes, to implement procedures to ensure meritocracy and to encourage women to break down any social barriers that may exist, as well as those they impose on themselves.

The initiatives that have been implemented include co-creation actions with groups of employees to define the company’s equality strategy, group coaching sessions with women from the management team, the “Women who Inspire” cycle to present female Indra employers as models and a hack day designed for female undergraduates. This training and mentoring day to promote creativity and innovation aims to highlight the value of female talent and show Indra’s confidence in its power to improve society through technology.

Indra continues to work on new initiatives that contribute to women’s professional development within the company and to enhance their visibility in society. These include campaigns on social media, the cineforum, cooperation with associations and initiatives that support women, campaigns against gender violence, to name but a few. Among other projects, Indra collaborates with the Ahora tú (Now You) program of the SEPI Foundation and the Women’s Institute, STEM Talent Girl, Technovation Challenge and a number of initiatives conducted by the Integra Foundation. It is also part of the Business Network for a Society Free of Gender Violence.

Eurasia Review

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