US Has Moral Obligation To Help Rebuild Ravaged Middle East – OpEd
To turn our backs on the tens of millions of innocent men, women and children, who had absolutely nothing to do with the “conflict of bankers/globalists,” would be tantamount to condemning them to death, and would be wholesale genocide…If the Western countries no longer want to take these newly created refugees within their own borders, then they must immediately re-create and re-build the nations that they destroyed, so that these people can go home.
Although the vast majority of Americans are grateful and happy to hear the news from President Donald Trump that he wishes to withdraw from the world, in terms of military conflicts, paramilitary affairs, and pointless regime changes that span the globe, in direct contravention to the abject insanity of the Neo-Conservatives/Neo-Liberals which have plagued American foreign policy for the past 15 years, it is vital to understand that even though these criminal acts were perpetrated by previous regimes/administrations of the United States, which gorged themselves on the proverbial meal in the proverbial restaurant, it is unfortunately incumbent upon the new administration to also pay the proverbial bill, and to fix and rectify the mistakes of the past.
While it is fair and good to state as a matter of foreign policy that the USA will now try and adhere to Thomas Jefferson’s mantra of “Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none,” it would be altogether grossly irresponsible and cruel to now leave the entire world in smoke and shambles, burning embers of once great civilizations that have often existed for thousands of years uninterrupted and unmolested.
So even though President Donald Trump and the vast majority of America (and the rest of the European world) wish to move forward into the future, it would be absolutely unforgivable if they did not also assist in actively re-building those damaged and destroyed societies, while not attempting to re-colonialize them again.
The United States through the World Bank and IMF, as well as Russia, Brazil, India, China and South Africa through the BRICS Bank, need to join hands and extend billions and billions of dollars in loans and project finance to those poor ravaged nations in order to help them re-build their infrastructure, waterways, electric grids, internet, buildings, health facilities and hospitals, schools, and other major points of civilized life.
To turn our backs on the tens of millions of innocent men, women and children, who had absolutely nothing to do with the “conflict of bankers/globalists,” would be tantamount to condemning them to death, and would be wholesale genocide.
Now that Europe, followed by America, has slammed the door shut on the tens of millions of poor refugees created by such monsters as NATO, George Soros, and other megalomaniacs, the latter of which had betted on simply incorporating these bedraggled refugees within Western societies, these poor masses have been relegated to drowning in the waters in between North Africa and Europe, and dying or being raped at the hands of barbarians in the Middle East.
This reality is altogether unacceptable.
If the Western countries no longer want to take these newly created refugees within their own borders, then they must immediately re-create and re-build the nations that they destroyed, so that these people can go home.
The USA must immediately join hands with Europe and the emerging nations of the BRICS Bank paradigm in order to rebuild the horrific destruction wrought by the previous American administrations/regimes, war criminals, pirates, Neo-Cons, and their proxies Saudi Arabia, Turkey, NATO, ISIS, and other clandestine mercenaries.
We must also punish the War Criminals involved in such horrendous atrocities spanning 15 years, with convened “Nuremberg Trials” and other such international judicial congress, in order to also deal with the devastating moral fallout of their behavior and actions, as these people can not be allowed to get away with their 15 year raping and pillaging of humanity, with impunity.
If the United States does not take the lead in this dispensation of much overdue justice, then the United Nations should do so, with or without America at the table – this is just quite simply the morally correct thing to do.
Otherwise the United States of America has no right to call itself a civilized nation.
This article appeared at Veterans News Now
The USA has been the most powerful force in the Middle East since the end of World War II. For the last seventy years we have been knocking over governments, setting up dictators and satrap kings of our own liking, and assassinating any and all native leaders who rise up from the people in opposition to our corrupt governments. WE US have suppressed all democratic movements in the region and have driven them into the mosques which is the only place they have any freedom of expression at all, and then we brand them as “radical Islamic terrorists.” USA should be taking ALL of those Syrian refugees and ALL of the Palestinian refugees. We’re the ones who caused the destabilization of the whole region.