Sri Lanka: Almost 4,500 Deserters Arrested
Sri Lanka’s military spokesman, Brigadier Roshan Seneviratne, said that nearly four thousand five hundred tri forces deserters, who are considered as Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL), have been arrested so far.
Eight officers and four thousand four hundred and ten (4,410) other rank personnel have been arrested through July 27 since the end of the General Amnesty on midnight December 31, 2016.
Accordingly, eight officers and three thousand five hundred and twenty nine (3,529) other rank personnel of the Army, eight hundred and five (805) Navy and seventy six (76) Air Force deserters have been taken into custody.
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) together with the Police conduct island-wide operations to apprehend deserters and disciplinary action will be taken against them thereafter.