Bigot Resigns From Virginia Gov. Post – OpEd
We’ve learned that Gail Gordon Donegan, the anti-Catholic bigot named by Gov. Ralph Northam to the Virginia Council on Women, has resigned. This is welcome news.
Following Donegan’s appointment, it was revealed that she has been spewing forth a torrent of vile, hate-filled anti-Catholic twitter messages. This led to an outpouring of protest from Catholics, which has now resulted in her stepping down.
We commend Bishop Barry Knestout of Richmond and Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington for speaking out forcefully on this matter and inspiring the Catholic faithful of Virginia to do so as well.
And we congratulate all those who receive our emailed news releases, and who responded to our call for messages to Gov. Northam’s office demanding that Donegan be removed. Once again, you have made a difference.