Spain: Number Of National Insurance Contributors Up 8,916 In September


The average number of National Insurance contributors in Spain for September amounted to 17,189,815, a month-on-month increase of 8,916 people, or 0.05%. This is the second year in which the month of September has contributed increases to the system. It should be recalled that this is traditionally a bad month for employment figures, due the end of activities associated with tourism.

In year-on-year terms, there are 528,112 more National Insurance contributors, or an increase of 3.17%. 2006 was the last year in which the figures were better for the month of September. The annual rate of affiliation has increase by seven percentage points since September 2012, the first year of this term of office.

The State Secretary for the Social Security System, Tomás Burgos, said that “September is a good sign in terms of contributor numbers. The seasonally-adjusted figure shows an increase of 35,072, which points to the fact that the heightened rate of job creation is continuing the same path which started back in 2014 following several consecutive years of strong declines”.

In monthly terms, the General Regime saw a rise of 9,099 (up 0.07%). Noteworthy was the increase in the performance of Education, with 62,420 new contributors (up 10.38%), followed by Administrative Activities and Auxiliary Services, with 15,140 new contributors (up 1.33%) and Manufacturing Industry, with 10,910 new contributors (up 0.66%).

In contrast is the Hotel and Catering Industry, which fell by 48,449 contributors (down 3.92%), followed by Trade, Motor Vehicle and Motorcycle Repair, down by 28,641 contributors (1.27%), and Healthcare Activities and Social Services, with 18,770 fewer contributors (down 1.34%).

The Special System for Agricultural Workers posted an increase of 35,895 contributors (up 5.05%), to stand at a total of 745,981 average contributors, aided by the grape harvest. The Special System for Domestic Workers fell by 1,580 contributors (down 0.37%) to stand at a total of 425,847 workers.

3,165,396 contributors were registered under the Regime for Self-Employed Workers, following an increase of 721 (up 0.02%). 878 fewer people were registered under the Regime for Seamen (down 1.35%), consistent with this time of year, to stand at a total of 63,965. Finally, the Regime for Coal Workers has an average of 3,768 contributors following a decrease of 25 people (down 0.66%).

By autonomous region, there were increases in five regions. Noteworthy were the relative increases posted in La Rioja (up 3.01%), Castile La Mancha (up 2.71%), the Region of Madrid (up 1.19%) and the Canary Islands (up 1.08%).

Eurasia Review

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