Why Supporting The People Of Iran Is Key To Achieving Peace In The Middle East – OpEd
By Matin Karim
The criminal clerical regime ruling Iran is pleased with ongoing war in the Middle East and the killing of innocent civilians. The mullahs see this humanitarian disaster as a barrier against the uprising of the Iranian people and as a means of ensuring their own survival. On the other hand, this regime seeks to overshadow the internal crises of its bankrupt regime, the explosive conditions of society, and the protests of the people.
In contrast, the resistance in Iran strives to draw attention to Iranian regime’s role in spreading war and mayhem in the region and its precarious position in the face of the Iranian people, who are poised to overthrow the regime.
In this regard, on Friday, October 26, a session convened in the U.S. Senate titled “Iran Policy – Confronting the Threats Posed by the Regime during the People’s Uprising for Freedom.” The objective and message of this session focused on addressing the root causes of war and crises in the Middle East, namely the clerical regime.
The speakers clearly expressed the regime’s objective of warmongering in the region. They also emphasized the fact that supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the Iranian Resistance is the only viable solution and proper response to the conditions created by the clerical dictatorship.
Senator Robert Menendez stated in his remarks, “Iran’s regime is nothing more than a brutal autocracy led by ayatollahs who are willing to kidnap, torture, and even murder innocent civilians in order to keep a stranglehold on their power.
“The regime in Tehran is an existential threat to safety and security in the region, then the second fundamental truth is that the nation of Iran is yearning and rising for freedom.
“The all-inclusive, secular, democratic rule of law Iran that Madam Rajavi speaks of is what we all should be aspiring for and trying to make happen.”
Senator Jeanne Shaheen said, “The threat from Tehran has never been clearer or the stakes higher.
“Tehran is not interested in peace. The regime in Iran is only interested in self-preservation, which is why it seeks to oppress its own people and sow discord abroad. These regimes distract from the crimes committed against their own people by instigating terrorism and war elsewhere. Like Iranians fighting against the brutality and oppression of the regime in Tehran, the people of Ukraine are fighting for their very existence. And there is a connection here, and I think we’ve got to call this out.”
Ambassador Sam Brownback said, “The current regime in Tehran is a terrorist-backing, terrorist-loving government, and that is not who the Iranian people are…we must back those forces inside Iran who want a new, democratically elected government.
“My message is really for the U.S. government. Our only path forward to peace in the Middle East is regime change in Tehran, done by the people of Iran with the full backing of the West.”
General Wesley Clark, former presidential candidate (2004) and former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO in Europe (2000), said, “The current regime in Tehran is a terrorist-backing, terrorist-loving government, and that is not who the Iranian people are.
“My message is really for the U.S. government. Our only path forward to peace in the Middle East is regime change in Tehran, done by the people of Iran with the full backing of the West. The choice is that stark. The winning side is freedom, and we must back those willing to fight for it.”
Linda Chavez, former White House Director of Public Relations, said, “There are people who are fighting that in Iran. I think it’s important to understand that until we are able to get broader acceptance and acknowledgment of the kind of things … that Madam Rajavi is doing, that the NCRI is doing around the world to try to get support for the people of Iran so that they, too, can rise up.
“We should be giving support to those people who are taking to the streets in Iran.”
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), who connected to the meeting online, drew attention to the Iranian regime’s role in igniting chaos across the Middle East, stating, “The message is to focus on the root cause of the war and crisis in the Middle East, which is the Iranian regime. The message is DO NOT overlook the primary source of warmongering in the region!
“The mullahs need to provoke wars in the region to prevent their overthrow. Khamenei has repeatedly said that if we do not fight in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza, we must fight in the cities of Iran.
“Every concession given to the regime will fuel more wars.
“Another conclusion is that no solution in the Middle East will succeed unless the head of the snake in Tehran is targeted. This can be only done by siding with the struggle of the Iranian people and their organized Resistance to overthrow the regime.”
This article was published by PMOI/MEK