Are Catholics Like Islamists? – OpEd
The Catholic community and the Islamists have much in common, so says the New York Times: “As the Roman Catholic Church includes both those who practice leftist liberation theology and conservative anti-abortion advocates, so the [Muslim] Brotherhood includes both practical reformers and firebrand ideologues.” Sure. So Sister Mary Alice who leans left while working with the poor, and Father Murphy who works with pro-lifers, have much in common with Muslims who differ with each other on whether to kill Jews now or wait until they’re elected.
The headline reads, “Islamist Group is Poised to Be a Power in Egypt, but Its Intentions Are Unclear.” They didn’t say an Islamic group—they correctly used the term that describes Muslims who blend Islam with extremist politics. Yet the Times still can’t figure out their intentions.
When the Brotherhood was founded in 1928, its motto was “Jihad is our way.” Nothing has changed since. Their current leaders believe it is important to “Kill Jews—to the very last one.” On Monday, another leader said Egyptians “should prepare for war against Israel.” Even the Times admits today that “its leaders have endorsed acts of terrorism against Israel and against American troops in Iraq.”
Last night, another leader said that any government which takes over should withdraw from the 32-year-old peace treaty with Israel. And just today an Al Queda-run website, Muslim.Net, said, “We call upon the Islamists to support the Muslim Brotherhood,” a clear indication that whatever differences the two groups have previously had, it’s more important that all terrorists unite.
Yeah, just like Sister Mary Alice and Father Murphy.
Contact the Times’ public editor, Arthur S. Brisbane: [email protected]