Spain: Recorded Unemployment Rises By 46,400 In August
The number of recorded unemployed at the State Public Employment Services (Spanish acronym: SEPE) increased in August by 46,400 on the previous month. Over the last eight years, recorded unemployment had risen in August by an average of 44,063 people.
This means that recorded unemployment now stands at 3,382,324, its lowest level in the last eight years. In seasonally-adjusted terms, recorded unemployment rose by 11,437 people.
Over the last 12 months, unemployment has fallen by 315,172, thus maintaining a very fast pace of annual reduction for another month, which now stands at 8.52%. During the first eight months of the year, unemployment has fallen by 302,650 people.
Recorded unemployment fell in seven of the autonomous regions, with noteworthy declines in the Canary Islands (down 850), Cantabria (down 831) and Galicia (down 746).
By sector of economic activity, recorded unemployment fell in the agriculture sector by 7,044 and among first-time job-seekers by 3,203. In contrast, it rose in the industrial sector by 7,277, in the construction sector by 7,811 and in the services sector by 41,559.
Unemployment among men stands at 1,431,435, representing a fall of 11.87% (192,878) on August 2016. As regards unemployment among women, the figure stands at 1,950,889, a fall of 5.9% (122,294) on the corresponding month last year.
In year-on-year terms, unemployment among young people under the age of 25 has fallen by a total of 27,071 (down 9.5%), which is above the annual average of 8.5%.
The number of contracts registered in the month of August amounted to a total of 1,536,400. This represents an increase of 84,611 (up 5.83%) on the corresponding month of 2016.
A total of 115,382 permanent employment contracts were recorded in August 2017. This represents an increase of 9.8%, well above the average of temporary contracts, which stands at 5.5%, representing 43 straight months of increases in permanent employment contracts.