Putin’s Eurasianist Revolution: Myth Or Reality? – Analysis
Before dying, in November 2010, French esotericist of Romanian origin Jean Parvulesco argued that, whether we are aware of it or not, we find ourselves at the crossroads of “great history.” What did Parvulesco mean? In an article published by the daily Izvestia in October 2011 during his presidential campaign, Russia’s strongman Vladimir Putin outlined for the first time his plans for the creation of a Eurasian Union. Calling a “historic milestone” the kick off on 1 January, 2012 of the Common Economic Space of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan (CES), the former KGB officer pointed out that a partnership between the future Eurasian Union and the EU “will prompt changes in the geopolitical and geoeconomic setup of the continent as a whole with a guaranteed global effect.”
According to Parvulesco, the Eurasian agenda is actually promoted not only in the former Soviet countries, but also across Europe by specific geopolitical groups, who often work in clandestinity. Like the Project for a New American Century in the United States, in Europe there would be think tanks involved in the construction of a new Eurasia. Despite their secrecy, Parvulesco was able to lay his hands on one article titled “The Imperial Eurasian Pact.” Similar to the idea put into action by the Neocons after 9/11, the paper stated that, “It is the confrontation of our imperial and catholic doctrines with the current political-historical reality […] which will see the final emergence of the catholic Great Empire which constitutes our ultimate objective, the Imperium Ultimum, the Regnum Sanctum, which should comport, in principle, three operational stages […].”
The first stage was the creation of the Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis, that is considered to be the axis along which this major change will occur. This axis should tie together the destinies of France, Germany and Russia. The second stage is the integration of Europe with Russia, India and Japan. The final stage involves what is termed the destruction of the “global democratic conspiracy” led by the United States, including a revolutionary liberation of its people, after which America as a whole will become one entity. But who would be the architect of the Eurasian revolution? For Parvulesco, the “messiah” is he: Russia’s current president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
According to Parvulescu, Putin is a direct emanation of secret revolutionary groups within the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union first, and then Russia. These, he believed, are trying to make their decades-long secret battle public, moving to an open type of rule. Whereas some conspiracy theorists claim the CIA and various secret societies like the Skull & Bones are the real puppet masters of American politics, Parvulesco argued the situation in Russia is not much different. Nevertheless, unlike in the US where the “conspiracy” is often faceless, Parvulesco listed two people as Russia’s master conspirators.
One was the chief of the Soviet Security Service (GRU) and one time Commander in Chief of the former Warsaw Pact, General Sergei Matveevich Shtemenko; the other was Marshall Nikolai Vasilyevich Ogarkov, a former head of the Soviet military. Ogarkov, who died in 1994, is rumoured to have been behind a failed coup attempt which in turn led to a kind of counter-conspiracy that brought Mikhail Gorbachev to power. Parvulesco is not alone in his assessment of these two men. French intelligence expert Pierre de Villemarest, who wrote a history of the GRU (labelled “the Soviet’s most secret service”), says Shtemenko was “one of the first geopoliticians of the Soviet Union, perhaps even the first.”
Although de Villemarest calls the General a Soviet, he considered himself to be truly a “Great Russian.” “For this caste,“ writes de Villemarest, “the Soviet Union was an Empire that was called to dominate the Eurasian continent, not only from the Ural to Brest, but also from the Ural to Mongolia, from Central Asia to the Mediterranean.” We can only wonder whether the present drive by the Kremlin to expand cooperation with the European Union and the Asia-Pacific economies, and the stubborn support to Bashar al Assad’s regime in Syria, are steps in the direction of creating such an empire, the Eurasian Empire of the End Times.